
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

06-14-2017 What happened to my claimed incomes?

About my complain of  income tax not under my name, what happened?
My response: I heard basic story is like this: Clear Channel Radio company give around $3 Billion check in my name to the good named accounting firm my trusted accountant recommended, and somebody in that accounting firm(s) deposit the check(s) with a Jessica's name and paid federal and MA state income tax in that same Jessica's name. Heard may under several patrons all first named Jessica.
I also heard my income from movies and other have been paid by checks all in my name and deposit in another person's name similar since 2010. Heard in the meeting of July 1st of 2004, it was already noticed there were efforts to track those companies willing to pay invention fees. Heard that $3 billion check had been split to several accounting firms. Heard State and Federal Income Tax return was done by accounting firm. Did not hear if radio company provide 1099 Form with the paycheck or never withhold tax. I did tip Law Enforcement as much as could. All possible incomes should all in meeting records as well. **Heard no tax withholding form provided by radio company.
My major featured person fee income story is all about daring and ridiculous and hard to believe. The company put aside my major feature person fee as saving since 2005, it was used(accessed) since 2013 by one accountant's unauthorized request to have some checks and made it a check account without radio company knows what happened. The radio company make efforts to retrieve those spending and recovered about $3 Billion, now the check in my name deposited by an accounting firm to another person.
----June 14th, 2017

So, basically, If there is an account number even that is a saving account, or a check even not in your name, what will happen we heard of now. I also heard, if you have a laptop impressed with possible account number information in it, you would found out you have to chase after it if you dare to put it next to you. I haven't heard what will happen to cash, but I heard what will happen about valuable papers possible hiding spots: one and half rooms bank safe boxes had been "transferred out" of this bank's property and thoroughly checked, only few jewelries mailed back to some lock-box owners. Checkbooks: I heard accounting firm employee freaked out when some people come in and grab company's checkbooks. And if you cancel checks, I heard a printing company would be called to help out by printing checks with already-known-account-number. ** I did heard about cash stories, some foreign countries central banks money in sealed-bag with original seals had been spent.
----June 14th, 2017

I realized some Chinese community's anger regarding why I refuse to give nothing-to-do-with-me person money may because some heard my income money handsomely paying for those I-got-nothing-to-do -with people.
----June 14th, 2017

I have been in this round and round for several years now. It used to make me scram but not any more. Now I am immune of freaking out since I know it will be all right again. 
----June 14th, 2017