
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, June 5, 2017

06-05-2017 I will sue your for murder if your dare go further

Heard this morning's radio broadcasting, not much though, rumored with Fords' help on my medical treatment,  that I am no longer investor to David Petraeus' family holding.

My response: That is because Holly Knowlton's father side cousin's family, by rumors, are some chief accountants in company's accounting department. They should know those investor funds have been there since this company registered as holding. They are not his inheritable and have nothing to do with him. Knowltons, Please realize this.
----June 5th, 2017

Why Fords' help this?
My response: for themselves. You heard yesterday's morning's broadcasting, and if you have read what already published on this blog,  now is O'Connors, Fords, Chinese government are all swarmed in to fight for this one Charles Ford's sex compartment.
Heard the reason is, by rumor, he willingly give the British 20% of his inheritable for her to keep. If you remember what was promised on the radio program, that is another 20% of his inheritable for her to give out. She was the person shared dining table with his family on this past Mother's day.

Heard talks about I am not the person carrying the blood is the reason been shitted like this from Fords
My response: This is the exact same talk about this Charles Ford and his father's blood. Fords, please realize Holding's investor funds have been investors since the the day company was registered, they are not his inheritable and they are never any Fords inheritable. Do not spread your family shits on me and I won't tolerate. I add this line to this person: "You would be already dead when you are only half way through what I have been through."

I ask my representatives in his family holding pay attention to this, this is my own wealth and I have no intention to let his dirty hands to touch this to make up his lost. Please take actions accordingly. I already asked Laws help to keep myself and my children safe from all these distinctness. I am not the person will let anyone take my money and shit me allover.

----June 5th, 2017