
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, June 9, 2017

06-09-2017 Science Academy families

I grew up with my parents in Chinese Science Academy dormitory apartment complex. All around me are the people so enjoy simple regulated life, any neighbor's chatting always start with " I analyze it as such.."

Analyze is for anything and everything. Life crisis or kids being naughty got trouble in school, produces prices on farmers' market or  some neighbors got couple's fight, arguing or reasoning, always having a " I analyze it as such.." with plenty evidences to support expressions  and professional trend analysis skills to speculate matter's possible developing directions.

Best example of what is would be like being a kid grew up with this group of people,  after 30 years and now live abroad, we are still trembling about scheme PRC80 (what happened in 1980s). Most of us never actually experienced anything that sort of, but with the good understandings of possible risks analysis from this group, we all so fully aware how horrible it would be and we all taught to alert parents if we encounter any suspicion matters of these kind. What made us as kids feel even more helpless is that we all knew as kids informing our parents would only make them just join us to make the whole family bewildered what to do about it hopelessly. So, the result is we are sill trembling after thirty years, parents are still "securing" everything they can even living abroad including waiting for the mailman daily in mail-room without expecting deliveries.

There are happy ones in this group. I like to say you are happy wife if you let a scientist fall in love with you; You can buy the house absolutely as you wish as long as he can afford, you can run the house absolutely as you wish as long as he got his desk and space to pile his books; You can feed the family as you desire after he thoroughly inspect the authentication part of kids' blood at their birth and won't complain a bit as long as his kids are laughing. All his income is your's to manage as long as you are faithful to this marriage, but if you are proved not good at numbers, you will certainly lose "calculating number" job and would be chased after if changes do not match the spending, but exchange goods with money would always be your job. The only disadvantage part is you are the sole runner of the house and no one in your marriage family would understand you if you ever complain about this.
----June 9th, 2017