
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, December 31, 2018

12-31-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (12) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Validation confusion “How you got this conclusion?”》

I heard this morning's broadcasting of some confusion regarding my $400Million yearly providing. (中文附后)

I heard the confusion is from banks that have received this $400Million living expenses payment check titled with Min Fang's name from USTS together with a "lawfully Min Fang's money" validation letter from USJD office. I heard the confusion is because of some shared personal frustration in USTS and in Banks: "how the USJD office can have this 'lawfully Min Fang's money' conclusion with its own statements to explain the obvious otherwise"?

I heard the reading-tips are, for this shared personal frustration in reading this validation letter, :
  • 1) there is a same-page prelude paragraph located pretty far above the main validation explanation statement paragraph that is not expected to be ignored. 
  • 2) The validation has proceeded with the hypotheses that include "No investor been deprived because of the payment".
  • 3) This validation proceeding is because my ancient Trusts' registries are private records.
Well, I heard that $400Million each year for the year between 2015-2019 is lawful living expenses providing money for Min Fang that qualified for investor income tax rate is the conclusion from very tight judicial arguments validation.

I add my own explanations:
  • All these U.S. companies' payments are originated from profits of its local business operating, which means any paid-out $400Million is never "unknown source money".
  • All according to its lawfully commercially registered investor-owner companies' lawfully valid instructions for my exclusive personal usage, which means any paid-out $400Million is never "any company's pre-company-tax money nor any public relation(PR) money".
  • USJD office has never received any valid complaint regarding if any worldwide investor has been deprived at least $400Million each year since the payment, which means any paid-out $400Million is never "anyone else's money" but my lawful money.
I heard this shared personal frustration has aroused a lot of confusion if $400Million is my lawful money or a joking donation, with R's unsolved confusion if this is originated from their family wealth mysteriously without any publicly acknowledged "valid authorization". For this R's confusion, it is explained in this same validation letter that all five years paying companies have not changed any portion of its upstream instructing investors accumulated for over 600 years. R's family wealth was originated in most recent 2--3 centuries which certainly means the same validation letter already explained this $400Million a year from 5 different companies never originated from any R's house. And I say, of course. also not any Ford's house nor any Walton's house. It is so ridiculous that those R's houses never accused their own attorneys nor their own accountants have stolen their money for me, but ridiculously have insisted on my yearly lawfully validly instructed and receivable money has to be from their wealth. 

If any booked service providers of mine share the same frustration, please contact your own legal department on how to validate this information.

----Dec. 31st, 2018



  • 1)这封信的同一页上,有一段前言或序言,离主要段落文章是隔得挺远的,但不应认为是可忽略的。
  • 2)验证的推理思维包括验证是否在世界范围内有某些投资人因为给我生活费用而被掠夺了至少4亿美金一年。
  • 3)使用这种验证推理逻辑是因为我的古老信托登记都是私人资料不可查询。


  • 所有这些美国公司的付款都是源自这些美国公司在当地经营业务的利润所得,也就是所有这些美国公司所支付的每年4亿美金都不是什么“财产来源不明”的情况。
  • 所有这些美国公司的付款都是按照其各自的合法有效的公司注册登记记录上的的投资人指示
  • 所支付的,也就是说这4亿美金每年的付款从来不是哪家公司的公款或者哪家公司的公共关系给付。
  • 自USTS收到这每年4亿美金的付款后,USJD办公室至今从未接到过世界范围内有哪个投资人被掠夺了四亿美金的投诉,也就是说这每一个4亿美金给付都不是任何其他人的钱,而是我自己的合法钱财。

