
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, December 28, 2018

12-28-2018 Why I chose my father over my brother?(我为什么选择了父亲而不是弟弟?)

I was asked, why I chose my birth and legal father over my same parent's younger brother?
My answer: Because I am certain that it is my father who raised me, not my younger brother. This seems to be very hard for some same parents elder sister to understand. I say I can only be frank enough to explain myself.
  • I am curious, how your birth father abused you that you forgot it is your birth father who made hard money to bring your food on the table, not your same parent's younger brother?
  • I am curious, since what age you started to share your birth father's bed as well as your same parents' younger brother's bed? that you favor your same parents' younger brother's smooth skin and strong body but despise your birth father's wrinkles and dripping blader?
  • I am curious, what else can make you hate your birth father as such, to think your birth father's death is a relief and never a loss, but can't afford to lose contact with your same parents' younger brother?
----Dec. 28th, 2018


  • 我想知道,你亲生的父亲是如何虐待了你,让你忘了你亲生父亲是辛苦挣钱帮你买饭吃的那一个?
  • 我想知道,你是从哪一岁开始和你的亲生父亲及你同父同母的弟弟同时有了性交往关系,会让你选择了你同父同母弟弟的年轻勇猛及光滑肌肤,而鄙视你亲生父亲的一身皱皮及膀胱失禁?
  • 我想知道,还有什么原因让你仇恨你的亲生父亲,认为你的亲生父亲死了不值得算作是你的损失,而你的同父同母弟弟却是你难以割舍的?



