
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

01-01-2019 At least it is certainly won't be the fifth year, Happy New Year to the Federal

01-01-2019 At least it is certainly won't be the fifth year, Happy New Year to the Federal 

Heard this morning's broadcasting that NJ took 300Million, and MA announced a couple of months ago that any money paid to Boston stay in MA which possibly including my this year's Christmas store gift cards (heard it right before this Christmas).

All from the third year's living expenses paying company. The reason? It is the Federal's "lousy" job granted this opportunity. If you have read my blog yesterday, you know this is certainly won't be the story for the fifth year's paying company. The validation is beautifully done, it is not the Federal's lousy validation issue if whoever read validation-certificate incompletely.

What this meaning to me? I have to be a little more patient till all sorted out. The fourth year is the Father's company which may also possibly validation-safe, which means I may be able to get the fourth and the fifth year's providing soon. Others may need to wait some more time, but no concern if the money can be declared lawfully mine or if I can still have that third year's $400Million back. (Assumed Federal's lousy validation job of a private company's payment check is the reason of this experience, not certain if it was the Federal Reserve in this morning's arguing voice to NJ: "You can't do this" and Federal's determination "nobody can touch any money till confusion cleared".)

It is not good for me because those payments to MA are mostly from the third year's paying company (10,000 per month story company), that is all currently. I heard tighten the validation itself or the validation-certification may need several more weeks, but I don't know how lengthy argument it can be between the Federal Reserve and these states.

I truly appreciate the Federal's great job on validating so beautifully done, so I say "At least it is certainly won't be the fifth year's, Happy New Year to the Federal."

I say "For the fifth year's $400Million validation, it is absolutely your problem if you do not read the entire validation-certification page word by word, from the page's most-top to the page's most-bottom."

Why I am this relaxed to the Federal's "lousy" validation job? Because I know the proud of making a rough prototype works so imperfectly wonderful.

---- Jan. 1st, 2019