
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, December 1, 2018

12-01-2018 All about Shanghai and Medical College (上海医科大学的毕业论文怎么回事?)

12-01-2018 All about Shanghai and Medical College (上海医科大学的毕业论文怎么回事?)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting.

About Shanghai Medical University I graduated from in 1990
My response: This Medical University I graduated from is now Shanghai Medical College of the Fudan University, which also has a law school and business school.

I agree even though this is the medical college I graduated from where I received medical and pharmaceutical education, this medical college does not have the authoritative knowledge regarding if I made intellectual incomes in the U.S. nor if I have inherited some wealth.

I have some issues with some alumni of this same medical college. My anger has been why being alumni of the same medical college can be the reason for them to be the denial authority regarding if I can have intellectual incomes or inherited wealth, and why it is their business to be so angry at me if I have some "none of their business" romance money?

----Dec. 1st of 2018

About the rumor that my college diploma was revoked in 2007.
My response: This is an untrue statement.
I graduated in the year 1990.

About my final project paper was "copy all over".
My response: This is an untrue statement.
It was all academic references(similar to the APA style citation) appropriately cited according to the medical college's academic policy. My joke was saying how I didn't know how to relate the citations with my own research subject in my college's final project paper, not that I did not write anything at all of my own in my final project paper.

About the incident of "cheating in the final exam" in the fall semester of our senior year (1990).
My response: The incident was caught by the security cameras and reported to the college principle office immediately. That was the only such incident. The final decision of "not another exam needed" was made by the medical college's academic committee and announced to us in the following spring semester. The entire class graduated in July of 1990 with diplomas.

It was rumored our class is the only class ever needed to have medicine major's Internal Medicine that has over 500 common diseases in the exam scope for each's symptoms, decisive diagnosis, pathology reasons and possible treatment method, Neurology(similar), and Psychiatry (similar) as three major final exams for Basic Medical System offered by the school of medicine, plus advanced Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacology as two pharmacy school's major final exams, and everything else, all in just one week's time. Obviously, we were pitied.

It was so dreadful to all of us when it was rumored that we may need to redo the final exam. If you heard those cries with tears from some who could only sleep for a couple of hours a day for that one hellish week, you won't do that to us. The school academic committee members are(were) all medical college graduated, either from the school of pharmacy or from the school of medicine. They knew that three Basic Medical System courses were experimentally upgraded courses for us pharmacology major students, our class was the only pharmacology class participated.

----Dec. 1st of 2018


