
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, December 16, 2018

12-16-2018 Money lawful ownership never changes upon confusion(财产的法律拥有权从不因困扰而改变)

12-16-2018  Money lawful ownership never changes upon confusion(财产的法律拥有权从不因困扰而改变)

If I have money should be the matter of lawful ownership, not upon personal authentication to own or be dis-owned.

Money ownership change has been strictly law matter throughout history, never eligible to be changed upon personal opinions.

Example of lawful ownership never change upon confusion
The British East India Company, the one with the troops, has never changed its ownership, nor its most famous French Financier company's American Investment. The British East India Company's most famous French Financier company's British investment has been the owner of this American Investment for over 400 years. My shared ownership confusion with O' name since July 1st of 2004 about this American Investment never changed its lawful ownership. Both O' name and I have changed both sides sayings about the matter after its lawful owner, the French Financier company's British Investment, has clarified the ownership confusion. I never won the argument of who actually owns this American Investment from O' name. I just backed off quietly from its lawful ownership. O' name has been closely associated with this American company's investment decisions for almost two centuries was the reason for their confusion, my inherited Trust has been investing in the company was the reason for my confusion. There have been a lot of uncomfortable feelings from O' name after my anxiety outbreak,

I publicly apologize sincerely to O' name for all my misbehaves during my anxiety outbreak.

----Dec. 16th, 2018

Also, I heard this morning's broadcasting of arranged child announcement. It is funny that nobody even knows who can be that child, or if ever exists. Nobody even needs to ask who or why need to make such arranged child announcement, the reason is already well-known for year-s "too many on-air time but no contents".

----Dec, 16th, 2018

Currently, I still don't know who is demanding fiercely for "same equal ownership" for everything I lawfully solely own, not really from my maiden name but definitely from China. Everything means my male, my residence house, my dresses, etc. I have been named a whore-level concerned person to prevent me to go to any residence that is owned by those who have no association with me for over 20 or 30 years already, but my residence house and my male have been publicly demanded "should be open for sharing is those Chinese married females' basic right", with the help from some R-names.

All these angry toned expressions "I don't want you to see my husband or my house, I am sensitive about it all. But I have to come to your house, I am his wife and capable to bear a child biologically is already proved.Who the fxxx is this?

----Dec, 16th, 2018









请参阅  12-06-2018 和南京方面的矛盾(7) ---- 南京药检所及其他





请参阅   是否是为了谋财害命?

----Dec. 16th, 2018