
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, December 23, 2018

12-23-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (6) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Li's(Lee's) Family Trust》

1: About my online gifting idea: What information needed to validate a friend from an occasion? Please specify the date, time, and the characteristic behavior. What will be the no-question asked gifting size once validated? $500 U.S. dollar. (有关网上送礼的:如何确定一个一面之交的朋友?请提供时间和日期,以及可协助确定的举止行为。一旦确定,如果是什么都不愿意被询问的情况,礼物多大?美金500元。)
----Dec, 23rd, 2018

2: Heard about why not charity but personal gifting. I don't think this is anything confusing but.., My anger is why can't I gift to my personal friends? and why can't I leave charity matters to those professionals?(听说了有关为什么不做慈善捐款而是个人送礼?我不认为这是什么困扰,而是。。。我的气愤就是我为什么不能个人送礼?我为什么不可以让专业人士处理慈善捐款事宜?)

As I have explained any donation from any investments that my Trust has been investing, there is a portion from my Trust's investing profit share which is my donation share, why can't I leave the handling of this donation share to charity professionals from the investment? Why donation has to be from my living-expenses providing to say I care about families in-needs? Why can't I gift to my personal friends from my after income-tax living-expenses providing? I already made it very clear that I leave donation matters to professionals from those investments each of my Trusts has been investing, and that is it.(就像我已经解释的,所有由我的信托所投资企业的慈善捐款里面,都有我的一部分投资收益在里面一起捐了,我为什么不可以让慈善专业人士处理这类捐款事宜?为什么必须从我的生活费用给付里捐款才可以说我关心那些需要帮助的家庭?为什么我就不可以用我交过收入税后的个人生活费用给付向我私人的朋友们送送礼?我已经讲得很清楚了,所有慈善捐款事宜,我都是交给我的信托所投资的企业处理,就这样。)
----Dec. 23rd, 2018

3: Heard about the confusion regarding HongKong's company 李家信托 which is a commercial company named Li's Family Trust. I don't know exactly what is the confusion, about its name? or about its investment? or about if that is the Trust my grandfather set up for me? or about if I am being the sole beneficiary person of the Trust I inherited.(听说了有关香港的一家商业公司”李家信托“的困扰。我不是太清楚究竟都困扰了些什么,公司名称?公司的业务经营?是否是我爷爷替我设立的信托所设立投资的?以及我是否是我爷爷所指定的信托唯一受益人?)

3-I) Confusion if that is invested by the Trust my grandfather set up for me? I don't know who is confused about this, or why? but this confusion can be helped by Hong Kong's Law enforcement if any lawful interest being impacted by confusion. I myself have already contacted U.S. law enforcement because my lawful interest may have been impacted.(是否这家”李家信托“公司是由我爷爷替我设立的信托所建立所投资的?我不清楚谁在为此困扰,为什么?但是如果自身法律权益因此困扰而受到影响,,这个困扰是可以通过向香港警方求助予以澄清的。我本人就是因为困扰可能影响到了我的合法权益而已经联系了美国警方。)

3-II) Confusion if I am being the sole beneficiary person of the Trust that my grandfather set up for me? This confusion can only be from my grandfather's other children that they can certainly ask Shanghai or Nanjing local law enforcement's help to validate. (*I heard this has been validated already that Li's Family Trust has nothing to do with my grandfather's other children, by Chinese Justice Department 中国司法部) (我是是否是我爷爷替我所设立信托的唯一受益人?这种困扰就只能是我爷爷的其他子女才会有的,他们可以向上海及南京的警方求助澄清核实。(*我听说“李家信托”这家公司和我爷爷的其他子女没有任何关系是中国司法部已经核实了的。)

3-III) Confusion about its name? 李家信托 is a commercial company that may have been established and invested by the wealth(15Million US. Dollar) that was entrusted by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren in 1948. I heard this was the company sent out 500Million US dollar to the United States in 2004 as I requested. The reasons for confusion include (我爷爷和我都姓方,为什么会是“李家信托”?”李家信托“是一家商业公司,据说“李家信托”是在1948年由我爷爷所信托的1500万美金所设立所投资的。我听说2004年就是这家公司按我要求电汇5亿美金到美国。相关的困扰有:
  • The Trust registry was under a Li last name person but my grandfather's last name is Fang? I heard Mr. Li recorded in Trust Registry was the entrusting attorney of 1948.(这个信托登记是在一个李先生的名下,我听说这个李先生是1948年设立信托时的受委托律师。)
  • If 500Million U.S. dollars in 2004 was all that I could have which means I have taken all the money which should mean the Trust dissolved already? I have to clarify that I only took out all the available cash in 2004 from the Trust I inherited, the Trust was not dissolved. Today, I am still the same sole beneficiary person of the same Trust. (是否我2004年所拿的5亿美金是我的信托的全部款项,也就是说我提领了5亿美金,信托就被解散了?我必须澄清我在2004年只是提领了可提现的全部现金,信托并未因此而解散,我今天也还是同一个信托的唯一受益人。)
  • The example of this is a restaurant's owner asking the cashier to take out all the cash from its cash-registry which only means all the available cash would be taken but never means the boss dis-own the restaurant. It is the same that I am still the beneficiary person of the same Trust. (举例说明:一个餐厅的老板让收银员把今天银箱里全部的现金都给这个老板,但这绝不是意味着这老板从此不再是这家餐馆的老板了。我今天也还是同一个信托的唯一受益人。)

4) Confusion about its investments? Who is confused about its investments? and why? Again, I am just a beneficiary person of the Trust who has not involved in its investments, please contact 李家信托 regarding all your confusion about its investments, and please direct your concern if I am bilking to be the beneficiary person associated to 李家信托 to HongKong's law enforcement.(有关“李家信托”这家公司的投资经营?究竟谁在困扰?为什么?我再强调一次,我只是一个信托的受益人,完全不介入信托的投资经营,请就你所有困扰联系”李家信托“这家商业公司,请就你是否怀疑我是在利用“李家信托”这个公司的名字招摇撞骗联系香港警方。

----Dec. 23rd, 2018