
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, December 24, 2018

12-24-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (7) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Why I eligible for investor income tax rate?》

There are more ripples about my gifting related ---- Whose money I intend to gift lawfully?我准备用谁的钱送礼?(中文附后)

1: Is it possible there are 5 persons who want to give me money provided for me $4Million each year for the past 5 years?
My answer: I heard two of the five years' paying American investment are historically known for from the father and heir son. I heard it has been validated that my fourth year (2018) was provided by Simba, my this year's (2019) is by his son, as both of their specified sole beneficiary person upon instruction. I am Ingonyama Mufasa's heir-child is now officially validated. I am the Ingonyama, I am the Missy Ingonyama Fang. I enjoy being the Missy Fang always, even I may not use my maiden name on my credit cards. Merry Christmas to myself. I am Sofaria.

I heard U.S. Justice Department's validation used Simba's official name (Li, Ang; 唐文宗李昂), his father Ingonyama Mufasa is Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Mu(Li, Heng; 唐穆宗李恒), his son was Li, Chan (唐武宗李瀍).

List of Chinese monarchs  
Emperor Wuzong of Tang
唐武宗 (维基百科)

----Dec. 24, 2018

2: Why I eligible for the investor tax rate? because there are at least two of those providing paying investments are from the same family, and I am provided upon each's investor's instruction as each's clearly and legally validly specified sole beneficiary person "Female Palm(女掌)" because of the family birthmark I have on my both palms. So, I am eligible for the investor tax rate.
----Dec. 24, 2018

3: Another Two Trusts are from the mother and her son: Hong Kong's two "Li's (Lee's) Family Trust".
One was set up in 1941 by my great-grandmother with 60,000 Chinese Dayang, one was set up in 1948 by my grandfather with 5Million Chinese Dayang, both called Li's(Lee's) Family Trust. Both settlers are recorded in the People's Republic of China's city registry as my birth great-grandmother and grandfather, I am the sole beneficiary person of each Trust.

I heard the Trust my great-grandmother set up for me has intended to send $100,000 to help out, if so, I say I am willing to let this $100,000 U.S. dollar send to my birth and legal father Fang, Wenhai(方文海) upon law enforcement's validation if he is alive, and on the requirement that my birth and legal father has to use it all on himself, I say so as the sole beneficiary person "Female Palm(女掌)" of the Trust that set up in 1941 by my great-grandmother. My great-grandmother was the one who raised my father in her own household, which had been a next-door neighbor to my grandparents' own household.
----Dec. 24, 2018

4: Why so many people saying I can't have my own money?
My answer: I heard one scheme is the "swap game", which has been targeting me. But all of my inherited wealth has been all under entrusting so that it is impossible to be misunderstood if I participated. And, all of my intellectual incomes are also impossible to be misunderstood can be swapped without me even heard of it.
----Dec. 24, 2018



我听说是美国司法部核实的,用的Simba的原名李昂(唐文宗李昂)进行核实的,狮子王穆法萨是唐穆宗李恒,Simba的儿子就是唐武宗李瀍(Li, Chan).:

List of Chinese monarchs  
Emperor Wuzong of Tang
唐武宗 (维基百科)




4: 为什么这么多人说我不可以有我自己的钱?