
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

12-12-2018 Why I still claim I have money after Reckefellors are so publicly denounced me?(洛克菲勒家都已经一次次申明和我从未有过任何关系了,我怎么还在说自己有钱?)

12-12-2018 Why I still claim I have money after Rockefellers are so publicly denounced me?(洛克菲勒家都已经一次次申明和我从未有过任何关系了,我怎么还在说自己有钱?)

Some asked what exactly is the confusion between me and Rockefeller's name.(中文附后)
My response: My July 1st of 2004's big spending. Let me illustrate what exactly is the confusion.

Example Setting: a nationwide computer seminar. 
A CEO of a big computer company with his staff and me as a computer programmer together with my own colleagues from another independent computer company decided to go lunch together.

I started to spend money handsomely with cheers from my own colleagues who know my family is a well-known famous big company in the oil-chemistry industry but freaked out CEO and his staff. No one from my own colleagues realized what was the issue because my family business is a big company which they thought CEO should certainly know, and CEO's staff thought some of their own who do know about the oil-chemistry company are bad guys who were trying to please the new "attractive female" but completely ignore the possibility that the married CEO may not even be interested at all.

A lot of investments that my Trusts have invested in the United States are all started as foreign investments in America while Rockefeller's family business started as an authentic American business. All those "my own colleagues" who cheered my spending on July 1st of 2004 had all thought Rockefeller names' staff certainly knew I have my own money already while Rockefeller-names' staff thought some of their very familiar friends (Rockefellers' family business insiders) who also cheered my spending had completely ignored the fact that the married Mr. Rockefeller may not even interested in me. 

That is all, but a lot of Rockefeller-names' staff are still struggling why I still claim I have my own money after so many Rockefellers have made so clear public denouncements. The good thing is it is clarified that all the money that had been spent as I wished for non-investment purpose on July 1st of 2004 were never owned by any Rockefeller's nor any Rockefellers' relatives including in-laws.

My anger has been why those from China or those graduated from the same high school or from the same college can state that they are the ones to know it can only be romance money if I dare to have some wealth.

And how a same high school graduated who is not even from same year can declare it can only be romance money if I dare to have intellectual incomes which are obviously earned by the knowledge I have learned from my college educations.

*The difference between businesses "from foreign-investment" and "from authentic American start-up" is similar to Military-oriented and commercial-oriented: never heard of each other.

----Dec. 12th, 2018








