
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

12-26-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (9) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《 My Royal Titles and validation of the lawful ownership》

Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned the beauty of the validation for my investor tax rate. With everybody seems trying to rewrite the original beauty of this water-proof judicial literature, I can't hear what was announced, but tons of lousy arguments. Basically, I heard this morning detailed out why I am proved the sole beneficiary qualified for investor tax, and no one else is eligible even though I have close kins and Trust registries are private.

There are two arguments, one is who is the better one? my entrusting attorneys, or the U.S. Justice Department? 
My answer: I am a U.S. citizen and the beneficiary person.
----Dec. 26th, 2018

The other argument, is this a scheme? How an investor-ownership can be validated by just writing a piece of judicial literature? 
My answer: It is validated with supporting evidence which includes 6+1 countries' Justice Department's testimonies that none of American paying company's upstream investor-companies in each's country has been deprived because of the payment, as well as no complaint has ever received if any of the American paying company's upstream investors being deprived because of the payment. And more, of course.
----Dec. 26th, 2018

One more related question, how this validated I am Simba's Royal Heir?
My answer: I heard my last year's living expense providing paying company's ancient upstream investor company has been historically known set up by the person who was featured in the <Lion King> animation movie as Simba. I was provided for this paying company because I am its specified lawful sole beneficiary person. This year's payment is from the historically known Simba's son's money, I am also its specified lawful sole beneficiary person. Each also entitled its sole beneficiary person, which is me, with an Emperor equivalent entitlement.

So, I am the Ingonyama officially validated now. I am the Missy Ingonyama.
----Dec. 26th, 2018


听说了今天早上提到让我符合投资人税率的资格证实法律程序做的有多漂亮。太多人都在尝试用自己的语言重述今天早上所宣布的,所以我就没听见都宣布了些什么,就只听到一堆的逻辑不严谨。基本上,也就是宣布了在信托登记不公开的情况下, 为何我符合投资人税率,而且是就算我有很多亲戚血缘关系,但就只有我一个人符合该投资人税率资格。



