
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, December 3, 2018

12-03-2018 和华人矛盾 ---- 再谈旅法华人作家高行健 (2)(About the Chinese French writer Gao, Xingjian)

12-03-2018 和华人矛盾 ---- 再谈旅法华人作家高行健 (2)(About the Chinese French writer Gao, Xingjian)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting, I don't care about Gao, Xingjian's tears because I am possibly his victim.(听说了今天早上的播出, 我不会在乎高行健的眼泪,就因我很可能是他的一个受害者。)

1: Remember Yu's family and private assistant story? One of the fourth cousins of the private assistant was a famous actor of Bejing People's Art Theatre (北京人民艺术剧院) that Mr. Gao had worked as a scriptwriter for about 10 years(1981-1989) which was that actor Yu's prime acting time.

 I heard Bejing People's Art Theatre (北京人民艺术剧院) has been one of the major forces of this "radio program producing is the authority to evaluate to deny everyone's achievement" schemeYou all heard how Mr. Gao deny how I dare to claim I can have inherited wealth? You heard the almighty tone that how dare I say I can have intellectual incomes?

2: Remember the argument if Mr. Gao won the Nobel literature prize fair? I remembered it was reported in the U.S. that all the pressure was on the lady evaluating committee member who recommended him.

Well, I heard, one of Mr. Gao's ex-wife who works for a French International radio station has married to one of that lady's colleague, and I heard French Chinese Community has a good level different opinions on if his article is good enough to be the award winner.

My anger has been why he insults everyone who evaluated my intellectual incomes and those law peoples who publicly clarified my inheriting is lawful. Not to mention how dare he to deny in the name of "performing arts" that I am being the authentic creative scriptwriter for Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony?

3: Also, I heard another Mr. Gao's ex-wife who mothers a child from him, a retiree of the Nanjing University, was graduated from the same Nanjing University in 1962 which was the same year that "Beijing ex-girlfriend in private assistant's story" graduated.

----December 3rd, 2018

So, I make some announcements here to echo this morning's broadcasting:

1: I don't care as well, and I agree all according to laws is good.
2: I refuse to provide for those demanded in this morning's broadcasting and in the future,
3: and I refuse those debts-paying that was demanded in this morning's broadcasting and in the future.

----December 3rd, 2018