
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, December 22, 2018

12-22-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (5) ---- My online gifting idea --《How it is validated lawfully my money if Trust Registry is private?》

Heard some questions about my online gifting idea. (中文附后)

1: How's the friend's gifting?
My answer: I have not figured out how to validate a friend from an occasion, what would be needed but not intrusive information, etc., and I heard commercial security screening service is a great idea to validate if the information is at least from a friendly and how friendly which would be the basis for gifting size, my past several years' "never lonely" experiences are included.

1) All are appreciated and 2) fair to all, would be the best way to describe my efforts of managing my gifting budget. (My budgeting plan was warned for "hot summer most likely" already. 😘 Luckily I have learned some professional financing and budgeting, and I do take "reserve several years', start with the regular 20Million per year" advice seriously. )

----Dec 22nd, 2018

2: How long this gifting can possibly prolong?
My answer: I expect this fixed $20Million per year gifting to be permanent because I should be provided at least $400Million yearly. I have been provided so for the past 5 years (including current) already from my 5 birth Chinese grandfathers' Trusts each year, I don't know how many of my own birth grandfathers have blessed me so lovingly, but I can certainly expect this $400Million a year from these 5 grandfathers' loving blessing, permanently and forever.
----Dec 22nd, 2018

3: Why I haven't received any blessing if from my own birth grandfathers?
My answer: Because there has been 1) some ownership-confusion regarding these Trusts' investments, and 2) some confusion regarding "what is a Trust" from China (blood associated and not blood-associated), as well as 3) public and legal confusion regarding if any of these payments are from a private investor eventually or from a company that deprived its lawful investor.

Now, most of the ownership confusions (if not all) have been clarified, China seems working on "money lawful ownership means to own money according to laws, not willingness nor deservedness", and all the payments have been clarified according to laws to be upon lawful investors' instructions that no company has deprived its lawful investor. So, I am expecting these payments now and already started my gift-budgeting.

----Dec 22nd, 2018

4: How this "No lawful investor being deprived" been validated if none of these Trusts' registry is open to the public?
My answer: Basically, what I heard is the validation has addressed legal confusions about if a lawful investor possibly being deprived.

1:) According to laws, 6+1 countries' governments' Justice Departments have validated those paying related companies in each of these countries has not deprived each's lawfully registered investor owner.

2:) According to laws, 6+1 countries' governments' Justice Departments have validated those paying related companies in each of these countries have not changed each's lawful investor since each company's establishment, and accumulated years qualified laws' required "over 600 years."

3:) According to laws, 6+1 countries' governments' Justice Departments have validated those paying related companies in each of these countries have not received any complaint filed from each's lawful investor since each's such upon-instruction providing payment(s).

So, None of these paying related companies that have provided for me had deprived its investor, and I am qualified for investor tax.

And, all these 6+1 countries are famous for each's economic scale.

So, I am comfortable that none of these Trusts' registry is open to the public.

----Dec 22nd, 2018

5: How can it be so certain that I am the sole beneficiary person?
My answer: I heard it also been validated as well, it was backward validation. Meaning? All the Trusts‘ registries that set up by my closest five generation grandfathers and my great-grandmother which covers all the legally valid kin are all have been validated, I am the lawful sole beneficiary person for all these Trusts.
----Dec 22nd, 2018



1) 所有的善意我都珍惜,2)不会厚此薄彼,这两点会是我管理这份礼品支出的努力目标。(我已经被警告 “就这速度,很快可能就没钱了。” 😘 幸运的是,我可是已经学过了专业的资金运作和预算决算了,而且我也很认真对待“要有资金储配,第一年就用常规的2千万美金开始“之类的建议。






4:如果我所继承的这些信托的登记信息都不公开,那如何证实了 “没有一家公司掠夺了其法律上的合法投资人?


2:)根据法律,6+1个国家的司法当局证实了这些国家里的付款相关公司自从公司登记成立伊始就没有更换过其法律登记上的合法投资人,所累计年份也符合法律所规定的 “超过了600 “。



5: 是如何确定我是唯一受益人的?
