
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

12-02-2018 About Nobel Literature Prize Winner of 2000, Gao, Xingjian of 2000(有关2000年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者高行健)

12-02-2018 About Nobel Literature Prize Winner of 2000, Gao, Xingjian of 2000(有关2000年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者高行健)

你相不相信他是有才华的?(If he has talents?)
你相不相信她是有财产的?(If she has wealth?)
横批:不由你决定(Note: Not upon your authentication)

听说了今天早上播出的“外籍华裔名人都来驳斥她居然有财产的说法”,包括了旅法华人高行健及周华健等等,当然也就有些话题涉及作为诺贝尔奖金认可的法国文学作家,他是否是有些真实的才华。(Heard about this morning's broadcasting of "Prominent Chinese to joint-together to rebuke if her wealth exists", which featured a French Chinese writer Gao, Xingjian, and the talks about if he actually has some authentic talents. Mr. Gao is the winner of the Nobel Literature Award in 2000 for his work in French. )

有人问我相信他有才华吗?我先声明,我从未读过高行健的中文作品,也不懂法语,更还未到访过法国。(I was asked if I believe he is talented? I have to make it clear first that I never read his works in Chinese, nor that I understand any French, and I have not visited France yet.)

我在网上查了一下(百度百科----高行健),高行健1940年出生,父亲是个职员,母亲是个演员,1952年起就读南京大学附属金陵中学(当时是南京第十中学)。他本人很喜欢艺术,1957年考入北京外语学院法语专业,1962年毕业,作家。1970年代下乡后任职安徽的中学语文老师,1980年开始担任北京人民艺术剧院的编剧,80年代的后期(1987年)移民法国与当时已经担任法国一家国际电台主持人的妻子团聚。获2000年诺贝尔文学奖。(I checked out on the internet (Wikipedia----Gao Xingjian). In the year 1940, Mr. Gao was born into a clerk's family but his mother was an actress. He attended Nanjing Univerisity Affiliated Middle School in 1952 (was officially named Nanjing 10th Middle School at that time). Since his youth time, he enjoys arts but he chose to enter Beijing Foreign Studies University to study French and graduated in 1962, later he became a writer. In the 1970s, he was re-allocated to Anhui province to teach Chinese literature in a middle school during the 1970s "China's nationwide re-allocating movement". He became a scriptwriter for Beijing People's Art theatre since the year 1980. In 1987, he migrated to France to reunite with his wife who was already an anchor host for an International Radio Station in France at the time. He won Nobel Literature prize for his French work in the year 2000.)

首先,我认为大学阶段的教育是正式介绍一门学科的开始,很多诺贝尔奖金的获得者,都是在20岁左右才认识了某一门学科,在几十年之后因在该学科的杰出贡献而荣获诺贝尔奖金。(First of all, I think college e4ducation is the official introduction of a science. A lot of Nobel prize winners were introduced to a science in their 20s, and won their Nobel prizes years later for their hard-earned achievements in that science.)

其次,都是20多岁上大学才开始接触的这些学科,文学和科学一样,想要获得成功,都是需要付出努力,也都需要杰出的才华,但这不能说华人只有科学类的才华,只可以获得科学类的诺贝尔科学奖,就没有可能有文学类的才华以大学所学的第二语言的法文作品获得诺贝尔文学奖。(Second of all, all these Nobel prize winners were introduced in college when they were about 20 years old, literature or all kinds of sciences are all the same. It is the same to be successful in science major or in literature major, both need real hard work and real talents to have real achievements, but this is not to deny Chinese can only be talented enough in sciences category but not literature kind, nor to say it is impossible for a Chinese to be talented enough to win a Nobel prize for his French work as his second language, but his major he was introduced to since college.)

就我今天的博文标题,高行健究竟有没有法国文学的才华,我相信一定是由他法文作品的欣赏者所推崇的,除了说诺贝尔奖的评审委员是评定他诺贝尔文学奖的权威,我还真不知他是否有才华是由哪一个权威机构所认可,至于我究竟有没有继承财产,绝对是由法律所决定的。(Regarding today's title, if Mr. Gao is talented or not in French Literature, I think it must be from his fans favoritism, but other than Nobel literature prize's committee is the authority to authenticate his Nobel literature prize, I really don't know who or where is the authority to authenticate if he has talents. But if I have any inherited wealth, it is absolutely authenticated only by LAWS.)
