
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, June 30, 2017

06-30-2017 A spoiled wife should provided by the husband

Heard this morning's featured broadcasting clarified something associated with my personal life.
My response: I repeat what I heard this morning and before. A 41 years old Jessica is David Petraeus' wedded wife since 2007 and his bed occupier daily. The wedding was performed with the participation of Holly Knowlton who is the wife published on David Petraeus introduction web page.

I never had any agreement or attempted agreement with any Jessica or his any other romantic partner to cover their romance to let myself being abused as "Who the fxxx do you think you are." I never had this kind discussion or attempted discussion to hide his non-Knowlton-romance before 2004, in 2004 or after 2004. The only similar discussion was with the condition " if he choose to be with me" after planned 8-10 years from July of 2004. I do not owe any debt to 60 years old Holly Knowtlon or a 41 years old Jessica (Holly) Pejoves or a 47 years old Jessica Lissette because of 2004 meetings.

As his wife Jessica Petraeus (Jessica Pejoves) and David Petraeus publicly announced and as all his closely associated privately expressed everywhere, I (Min Fang) have no sexual or legal association with them to be confused as "who the fxxx do you think you are" mutually.

I do not know why David Petraeus paid for my security expense till end of 2004 as agreed upon even he moved on in 2007. I, Min Fang, do not know if this paying is beyond legally appropriately after 2007, but I did ask my accountant(s) to pay back every penny he paid for security fee in early 2015. I, Min Fang, do not assume David Petraeus considered that should still be called my money.

I, Min Fang, state my clarification here: Any David Petraeus' wife or his women's deserved providing are David Petraeus' spending, Any David Petraeus' own wiliness of any deserved financial help is his own money to reach out. It is never, and should never, my questions that who should be his wife or who is his real wife and how he should provide for his proudly announced wife.

My money, rumored $800,000 taken by Jessica and Holly, is his debt to payback and I assumed his paying back, as his father announced on the radio, backed soundly by his father on one-day basis. This $800, 000 is the ground of the joke he made that "I live on him" because of $1000 paying back monthly. Heard planned paying back account numbers is not to resolve my current thrift financial situation but the original source account numbers.

----June 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's Shanghai government's announcement.
My impression: Sounds like there is some money there but no need of my immediately visit to Shanghai. Not sure if that is inheritance related. So I ask my attorneys that Mr. Timothy Geithner (assumed) and Mr. Henry M Paulson (assumed) knows that presenting me and I trust to check if my impression is correct and let me know if that is actually my income that I need to inform General Attorney of Massachusetts. Thanks forward.

----June 30th, 2017