
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, December 31, 2018

12-31-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (12) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Validation confusion “How you got this conclusion?”》

I heard this morning's broadcasting of some confusion regarding my $400Million yearly providing. (中文附后)

I heard the confusion is from banks that have received this $400Million living expenses payment check titled with Min Fang's name from USTS together with a "lawfully Min Fang's money" validation letter from USJD office. I heard the confusion is because of some shared personal frustration in USTS and in Banks: "how the USJD office can have this 'lawfully Min Fang's money' conclusion with its own statements to explain the obvious otherwise"?

I heard the reading-tips are, for this shared personal frustration in reading this validation letter, :
  • 1) there is a same-page prelude paragraph located pretty far above the main validation explanation statement paragraph that is not expected to be ignored. 
  • 2) The validation has proceeded with the hypotheses that include "No investor been deprived because of the payment".
  • 3) This validation proceeding is because my ancient Trusts' registries are private records.
Well, I heard that $400Million each year for the year between 2015-2019 is lawful living expenses providing money for Min Fang that qualified for investor income tax rate is the conclusion from very tight judicial arguments validation.

I add my own explanations:
  • All these U.S. companies' payments are originated from profits of its local business operating, which means any paid-out $400Million is never "unknown source money".
  • All according to its lawfully commercially registered investor-owner companies' lawfully valid instructions for my exclusive personal usage, which means any paid-out $400Million is never "any company's pre-company-tax money nor any public relation(PR) money".
  • USJD office has never received any valid complaint regarding if any worldwide investor has been deprived at least $400Million each year since the payment, which means any paid-out $400Million is never "anyone else's money" but my lawful money.
I heard this shared personal frustration has aroused a lot of confusion if $400Million is my lawful money or a joking donation, with R's unsolved confusion if this is originated from their family wealth mysteriously without any publicly acknowledged "valid authorization". For this R's confusion, it is explained in this same validation letter that all five years paying companies have not changed any portion of its upstream instructing investors accumulated for over 600 years. R's family wealth was originated in most recent 2--3 centuries which certainly means the same validation letter already explained this $400Million a year from 5 different companies never originated from any R's house. And I say, of course. also not any Ford's house nor any Walton's house. It is so ridiculous that those R's houses never accused their own attorneys nor their own accountants have stolen their money for me, but ridiculously have insisted on my yearly lawfully validly instructed and receivable money has to be from their wealth. 

If any booked service providers of mine share the same frustration, please contact your own legal department on how to validate this information.

----Dec. 31st, 2018



  • 1)这封信的同一页上,有一段前言或序言,离主要段落文章是隔得挺远的,但不应认为是可忽略的。
  • 2)验证的推理思维包括验证是否在世界范围内有某些投资人因为给我生活费用而被掠夺了至少4亿美金一年。
  • 3)使用这种验证推理逻辑是因为我的古老信托登记都是私人资料不可查询。


  • 所有这些美国公司的付款都是源自这些美国公司在当地经营业务的利润所得,也就是所有这些美国公司所支付的每年4亿美金都不是什么“财产来源不明”的情况。
  • 所有这些美国公司的付款都是按照其各自的合法有效的公司注册登记记录上的的投资人指示
  • 所支付的,也就是说这4亿美金每年的付款从来不是哪家公司的公款或者哪家公司的公共关系给付。
  • 自USTS收到这每年4亿美金的付款后,USJD办公室至今从未接到过世界范围内有哪个投资人被掠夺了四亿美金的投诉,也就是说这每一个4亿美金给付都不是任何其他人的钱,而是我自己的合法钱财。



Sunday, December 30, 2018

12-30-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (11) ---- 《什么是信托,信托和所投资企业的关系》


如果你家老人付钱买了一套房子,找律师协助登记在你名下,等你长大后使用 --》“房子当时就给了”










Saturday, December 29, 2018

12-28-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (10) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《 李家信托1967年的信托登记更改,在法律上是无效的》

1967's update in Hong Kong's Trust Registry was illegal &invalid


疑问:香港的一个李家信托是在1948年由方智仁所设立,该信托登记已在1967年被更改,为何该信托还是归我所有?Question: The Li's family Trust was set up in 1948, but its registry was changed in 1967, why it is still my Trust?

回答:我所听说的,香港的一家李家信托是1948年由方智仁注资五百万大洋所设立,并由方智仁指定其长子方文海所出的女掌为唯一受益人(附有掌纹图)。作为该信托所指定的唯一受益人,我是1967年7月才出生,而该信托的设立人我爷爷方智仁是在1965年就已经去世。方智仁是中华人民共和国户籍本上所登记的我父亲方文海的父亲。我已经听说了该信托登记是在1967年被一位当时已是香港居民的于姓人士或其私人朋友所更改,这个更改登记的记录应该可以查核。按照英国法律,美国法律及中华人民共和国法律,李家信托1967年的登记更改,在法律上都是无效更改。所以该信托还是归我所有,我是在2004年继承该信托。(请看下面的举例解释说明。)I heard one of the several Li's Family Trust was set up by Fang, Zhiren in 1948 with 5Million Chinese Dayang, who specified the sole beneficiary should be the palm girl from his eldest son's palm line, attached with the illustration of the family palm birthmark. I, the sole beneficiary person, was born in 1967, while the Settler, Fang, Zhiren died in 1965. Fang, Zhiren was the recorded the birth & legal father to my birth & legal father Fang, Wenhai in People's Republic of China's city registry. I have heard the Trust registry was edited in 1967 by a Hong Kong resident Mr. Yu or his personal friend which certainly can be verified. According to the British Laws, the United States laws, and the People's Republic of China laws, such registry change was illegal & invalid. I inherited this Li's family Trust in 2004. (Please check the illustration explanation for illegal & invalid below.)

1948年信托设立时的香港受委托李姓律师,我听说前两天的播出已经说明在1950年代已经全家移民英国生活,我只是该信托的唯一受益人,所以我不是太清楚前几天播出的在香港长大的李家信托登记上的三个李姓共同律师是怎么回事。我记得几个月以前播出的某集内容里,英国司法机构对于1941-1949年期间在香港设立的七个李家信托也做过了专门解释。我记得播出的说明是其中两个是同一个受益人(我是我爷爷(1948)和我曾祖母(1941)两个李家信托的唯一受益人),还有四个李家信托多年前就已经无效也就是已经不存在了。I heard 1948's entrusting attorney has migrated to Britain in 1950 with his entire family. Being the sole beneficiary person, I don't know who the three Hong Kong grown-up co-entrusting Li's last named attorneys are, but I remembered several months ago, the British Justice Department has explained 7 Li's Family Trusts that were set up between 1941-1947. I remembered it said two of them share the same sole beneficiary person, four of them already dissolved over the years.

香港的1947年由上海的于先生注资一万大洋(?)所设立的一个于家信托,我不是太清楚,不过我有听说其当年设立后所投资的公司现在的(2018年)总规模是50万美金左右。与我所继承的李两个家信托所投资的公司都不是一家公司。我也不知该信托当年的受委托李姓律师是不是这三个香港长大的李姓律师的父亲? Regarding another Trust that was set up by a Mr. Yu in 1947 with 10,000 Chinese Dayang, I don't know much but I heard the company it invested since 1947 has its current size of $500,000 US dollar or so. It is totally a different company from the companies that my Trusts have been investing. And I don't know if that Trust's 1947 entrusting attorney Mr. Li was the father of that three HongKong grown-up co-entrusting attorneys.

我相信这些困扰都是可以通过英国或者香港的司法机关核实解答的。I think all these confusions can be resolved if check with UK's Justice Department and Hong Kong local Justice Department.

作为唯一受益人,我本人应该是由香港李家信托的现任律师出面联络,或由我本人联系美国警方协助联络香港李家信托的现任律师。我不太清楚香港李家信托的现任律师是谁,但我已经就香港的李家信托2004年按我要求所汇出的5亿美金投资款的如今下落联络了美国警方。Being the sole beneficiary person, I should be contacted by this Li's Family Trust's current entrusting attorney, or I should contact U.S. Justice Department ask for help to get in touch with the Trust's current attorney. I don't know who is the current attorney but I have contacted U.S. Justice Department regarding a $500Million U.S. dollar that was sent out to invest in the U.S. by this Trust as I requested in 2004.


国内国外对方敏是否继承财产事件的矛盾就在于,以李家信托的困扰为例子,中国政府似乎完全无视所有这些法律上对于该信托的法律所有权所作出的解释,其实都和中华人民共和国自己的信托及继承相关法律完全不抵触,也完全不矛盾,但中国政府似乎是根本无视李家信托1967年时期的信托登记更改,其实是一些人所实施的非法篡改法律记录以达到偷窃钱财的努力,而对于相关的于家一些人士对此所产生的困扰似乎就没有任何法律上的解释疏导,而是似乎是在企图利用中国的国家宣传机器强行通过宣布拥有而企图实质改变李家信托的法律财产拥有权。The problem that caused huge anger has been: I use today's confusion regarding Li's Family Trust as an example, the Chinese government seems completely ignore that all these explanations regarding this Trust's lawful ownership do not conflict nor violate China's own laws about Trust and its inheriting. But the Chinese government seems completely ignore the 1967's Registry change was a criminal attempt to illegally own the Trust by illegal change government Trust-registry record, and never provide legal help to those confused Yu's families but tried to use its government propaganda machine to forcefully and effectively change this Trust's lawful ownership.

举例解释:房屋产权登记的记录,如果不经过该物业的付款购屋业主的同意或者授权,而是通过在政府的房屋管理所任职的工作之便或私人朋友的工作之便,擅自更改该物业的法律所有权的法律登记记录,是否是企图非法拥有该物业的财产所有权?Illustration of this: Property Registry record. If such government property registry record was changed without any authorization from the lawful property owner nor the effort to inform the lawful property owner, but changed by a government employee's job-convenience, is this effort is attempted to illegally own this property?

包括对于美国当地一些公司法律拥有权的困扰,中国政府的努力似乎也是类似,通过国家宣传机器,完全无视当地的财产所有权是由当地法律所决定的,造成到处都是乱像,明明是法律所有权非常明确的公司财产私人财产,却被宣传成是没人要的钱而谁都可以随便拿。It is the same regarding the confusion about local American company's lawful ownership. The Chinese government seems completely ignore local wealth's lawful ownership is decided by local laws but seemed attempted to use its propaganda machines to impress the public that all these clearly lawfully owned local private wealth, company's assets or personal wealth, to be understood as no-owner money that should be so free to be announced-to-own by whoever, which has caused so criminalized-legal situations.


Friday, December 28, 2018

12-28-2018 Why I chose my father over my brother?(我为什么选择了父亲而不是弟弟?)

I was asked, why I chose my birth and legal father over my same parent's younger brother?
My answer: Because I am certain that it is my father who raised me, not my younger brother. This seems to be very hard for some same parents elder sister to understand. I say I can only be frank enough to explain myself.
  • I am curious, how your birth father abused you that you forgot it is your birth father who made hard money to bring your food on the table, not your same parent's younger brother?
  • I am curious, since what age you started to share your birth father's bed as well as your same parents' younger brother's bed? that you favor your same parents' younger brother's smooth skin and strong body but despise your birth father's wrinkles and dripping blader?
  • I am curious, what else can make you hate your birth father as such, to think your birth father's death is a relief and never a loss, but can't afford to lose contact with your same parents' younger brother?
----Dec. 28th, 2018


  • 我想知道,你亲生的父亲是如何虐待了你,让你忘了你亲生父亲是辛苦挣钱帮你买饭吃的那一个?
  • 我想知道,你是从哪一岁开始和你的亲生父亲及你同父同母的弟弟同时有了性交往关系,会让你选择了你同父同母弟弟的年轻勇猛及光滑肌肤,而鄙视你亲生父亲的一身皱皮及膀胱失禁?
  • 我想知道,还有什么原因让你仇恨你的亲生父亲,认为你的亲生父亲死了不值得算作是你的损失,而你的同父同母弟弟却是你难以割舍的?





Thursday, December 27, 2018

12-27-2018 方敏对今天早上以中共中央政治局全体扩大会议名义所表达立场的回应






Wednesday, December 26, 2018

12-26-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (9) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《 My Royal Titles and validation of the lawful ownership》

Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned the beauty of the validation for my investor tax rate. With everybody seems trying to rewrite the original beauty of this water-proof judicial literature, I can't hear what was announced, but tons of lousy arguments. Basically, I heard this morning detailed out why I am proved the sole beneficiary qualified for investor tax, and no one else is eligible even though I have close kins and Trust registries are private.

There are two arguments, one is who is the better one? my entrusting attorneys, or the U.S. Justice Department? 
My answer: I am a U.S. citizen and the beneficiary person.
----Dec. 26th, 2018

The other argument, is this a scheme? How an investor-ownership can be validated by just writing a piece of judicial literature? 
My answer: It is validated with supporting evidence which includes 6+1 countries' Justice Department's testimonies that none of American paying company's upstream investor-companies in each's country has been deprived because of the payment, as well as no complaint has ever received if any of the American paying company's upstream investors being deprived because of the payment. And more, of course.
----Dec. 26th, 2018

One more related question, how this validated I am Simba's Royal Heir?
My answer: I heard my last year's living expense providing paying company's ancient upstream investor company has been historically known set up by the person who was featured in the <Lion King> animation movie as Simba. I was provided for this paying company because I am its specified lawful sole beneficiary person. This year's payment is from the historically known Simba's son's money, I am also its specified lawful sole beneficiary person. Each also entitled its sole beneficiary person, which is me, with an Emperor equivalent entitlement.

So, I am the Ingonyama officially validated now. I am the Missy Ingonyama.
----Dec. 26th, 2018


听说了今天早上提到让我符合投资人税率的资格证实法律程序做的有多漂亮。太多人都在尝试用自己的语言重述今天早上所宣布的,所以我就没听见都宣布了些什么,就只听到一堆的逻辑不严谨。基本上,也就是宣布了在信托登记不公开的情况下, 为何我符合投资人税率,而且是就算我有很多亲戚血缘关系,但就只有我一个人符合该投资人税率资格。





Tuesday, December 25, 2018

12-25-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (8) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Merry Christmas? 》

Heard this Christmas Day morning's frustration from those blood associated.

About Gifting, My anger has been
1) Why they have demanded to me as if I owe their kindness or financial debts, knowing I never heard of them before all these harassments is a True statement.

2) Why they have demanded with such anger as if their lines never got their shares in the family inheriting at that shared grandfather's death?

3) Why I have money according to my birth grandfathers' wills is the reason that I am "not allowed to own"? Why those I am willing to gift are "not allowed to receive"?

4) Why those who care so much about anyone who is in-need keep demanding me for money and don't allow my own beloved to have better financial arrangement from my money, not to mention to own a house or better clothing, why themselves refuse to sell their own house to show their own care to whoever they are willing to support demanding me for money? All my beloved have to be abused to only allowed to live on welfare in order to support all these demanding for money in-need, why is this?

5) Why my own beloved ones do not deserve to have a Merry Christmas gifted by my own money? Why I myself don't deserve a Merry Christmas party of my own that is financed by my own money?

I refuse to gift to any of those frustration expressed on this Christmas Day. All those who truly care persons can certainly sell their own house to give out their so special gifts to whoever they care. I am only allowed to be abused and to live on welfare is the reason for my this refusal and a lot of my emails to the law enforcement.

----Dec. 25th, 2018

Monday, December 24, 2018

12-24-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (7) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Why I eligible for investor income tax rate?》

There are more ripples about my gifting related ---- Whose money I intend to gift lawfully?我准备用谁的钱送礼?(中文附后)

1: Is it possible there are 5 persons who want to give me money provided for me $4Million each year for the past 5 years?
My answer: I heard two of the five years' paying American investment are historically known for from the father and heir son. I heard it has been validated that my fourth year (2018) was provided by Simba, my this year's (2019) is by his son, as both of their specified sole beneficiary person upon instruction. I am Ingonyama Mufasa's heir-child is now officially validated. I am the Ingonyama, I am the Missy Ingonyama Fang. I enjoy being the Missy Fang always, even I may not use my maiden name on my credit cards. Merry Christmas to myself. I am Sofaria.

I heard U.S. Justice Department's validation used Simba's official name (Li, Ang; 唐文宗李昂), his father Ingonyama Mufasa is Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Mu(Li, Heng; 唐穆宗李恒), his son was Li, Chan (唐武宗李瀍).

List of Chinese monarchs  
Emperor Wuzong of Tang
唐武宗 (维基百科)

----Dec. 24, 2018

2: Why I eligible for the investor tax rate? because there are at least two of those providing paying investments are from the same family, and I am provided upon each's investor's instruction as each's clearly and legally validly specified sole beneficiary person "Female Palm(女掌)" because of the family birthmark I have on my both palms. So, I am eligible for the investor tax rate.
----Dec. 24, 2018

3: Another Two Trusts are from the mother and her son: Hong Kong's two "Li's (Lee's) Family Trust".
One was set up in 1941 by my great-grandmother with 60,000 Chinese Dayang, one was set up in 1948 by my grandfather with 5Million Chinese Dayang, both called Li's(Lee's) Family Trust. Both settlers are recorded in the People's Republic of China's city registry as my birth great-grandmother and grandfather, I am the sole beneficiary person of each Trust.

I heard the Trust my great-grandmother set up for me has intended to send $100,000 to help out, if so, I say I am willing to let this $100,000 U.S. dollar send to my birth and legal father Fang, Wenhai(方文海) upon law enforcement's validation if he is alive, and on the requirement that my birth and legal father has to use it all on himself, I say so as the sole beneficiary person "Female Palm(女掌)" of the Trust that set up in 1941 by my great-grandmother. My great-grandmother was the one who raised my father in her own household, which had been a next-door neighbor to my grandparents' own household.
----Dec. 24, 2018

4: Why so many people saying I can't have my own money?
My answer: I heard one scheme is the "swap game", which has been targeting me. But all of my inherited wealth has been all under entrusting so that it is impossible to be misunderstood if I participated. And, all of my intellectual incomes are also impossible to be misunderstood can be swapped without me even heard of it.
----Dec. 24, 2018



我听说是美国司法部核实的,用的Simba的原名李昂(唐文宗李昂)进行核实的,狮子王穆法萨是唐穆宗李恒,Simba的儿子就是唐武宗李瀍(Li, Chan).:

List of Chinese monarchs  
Emperor Wuzong of Tang
唐武宗 (维基百科)




4: 为什么这么多人说我不可以有我自己的钱?

Sunday, December 23, 2018

12-23-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (6) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《Li's(Lee's) Family Trust》

1: About my online gifting idea: What information needed to validate a friend from an occasion? Please specify the date, time, and the characteristic behavior. What will be the no-question asked gifting size once validated? $500 U.S. dollar. (有关网上送礼的:如何确定一个一面之交的朋友?请提供时间和日期,以及可协助确定的举止行为。一旦确定,如果是什么都不愿意被询问的情况,礼物多大?美金500元。)
----Dec, 23rd, 2018

2: Heard about why not charity but personal gifting. I don't think this is anything confusing but.., My anger is why can't I gift to my personal friends? and why can't I leave charity matters to those professionals?(听说了有关为什么不做慈善捐款而是个人送礼?我不认为这是什么困扰,而是。。。我的气愤就是我为什么不能个人送礼?我为什么不可以让专业人士处理慈善捐款事宜?)

As I have explained any donation from any investments that my Trust has been investing, there is a portion from my Trust's investing profit share which is my donation share, why can't I leave the handling of this donation share to charity professionals from the investment? Why donation has to be from my living-expenses providing to say I care about families in-needs? Why can't I gift to my personal friends from my after income-tax living-expenses providing? I already made it very clear that I leave donation matters to professionals from those investments each of my Trusts has been investing, and that is it.(就像我已经解释的,所有由我的信托所投资企业的慈善捐款里面,都有我的一部分投资收益在里面一起捐了,我为什么不可以让慈善专业人士处理这类捐款事宜?为什么必须从我的生活费用给付里捐款才可以说我关心那些需要帮助的家庭?为什么我就不可以用我交过收入税后的个人生活费用给付向我私人的朋友们送送礼?我已经讲得很清楚了,所有慈善捐款事宜,我都是交给我的信托所投资的企业处理,就这样。)
----Dec. 23rd, 2018

3: Heard about the confusion regarding HongKong's company 李家信托 which is a commercial company named Li's Family Trust. I don't know exactly what is the confusion, about its name? or about its investment? or about if that is the Trust my grandfather set up for me? or about if I am being the sole beneficiary person of the Trust I inherited.(听说了有关香港的一家商业公司”李家信托“的困扰。我不是太清楚究竟都困扰了些什么,公司名称?公司的业务经营?是否是我爷爷替我设立的信托所设立投资的?以及我是否是我爷爷所指定的信托唯一受益人?)

3-I) Confusion if that is invested by the Trust my grandfather set up for me? I don't know who is confused about this, or why? but this confusion can be helped by Hong Kong's Law enforcement if any lawful interest being impacted by confusion. I myself have already contacted U.S. law enforcement because my lawful interest may have been impacted.(是否这家”李家信托“公司是由我爷爷替我设立的信托所建立所投资的?我不清楚谁在为此困扰,为什么?但是如果自身法律权益因此困扰而受到影响,,这个困扰是可以通过向香港警方求助予以澄清的。我本人就是因为困扰可能影响到了我的合法权益而已经联系了美国警方。)

3-II) Confusion if I am being the sole beneficiary person of the Trust that my grandfather set up for me? This confusion can only be from my grandfather's other children that they can certainly ask Shanghai or Nanjing local law enforcement's help to validate. (*I heard this has been validated already that Li's Family Trust has nothing to do with my grandfather's other children, by Chinese Justice Department 中国司法部) (我是是否是我爷爷替我所设立信托的唯一受益人?这种困扰就只能是我爷爷的其他子女才会有的,他们可以向上海及南京的警方求助澄清核实。(*我听说“李家信托”这家公司和我爷爷的其他子女没有任何关系是中国司法部已经核实了的。)

3-III) Confusion about its name? 李家信托 is a commercial company that may have been established and invested by the wealth(15Million US. Dollar) that was entrusted by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren in 1948. I heard this was the company sent out 500Million US dollar to the United States in 2004 as I requested. The reasons for confusion include (我爷爷和我都姓方,为什么会是“李家信托”?”李家信托“是一家商业公司,据说“李家信托”是在1948年由我爷爷所信托的1500万美金所设立所投资的。我听说2004年就是这家公司按我要求电汇5亿美金到美国。相关的困扰有:
  • The Trust registry was under a Li last name person but my grandfather's last name is Fang? I heard Mr. Li recorded in Trust Registry was the entrusting attorney of 1948.(这个信托登记是在一个李先生的名下,我听说这个李先生是1948年设立信托时的受委托律师。)
  • If 500Million U.S. dollars in 2004 was all that I could have which means I have taken all the money which should mean the Trust dissolved already? I have to clarify that I only took out all the available cash in 2004 from the Trust I inherited, the Trust was not dissolved. Today, I am still the same sole beneficiary person of the same Trust. (是否我2004年所拿的5亿美金是我的信托的全部款项,也就是说我提领了5亿美金,信托就被解散了?我必须澄清我在2004年只是提领了可提现的全部现金,信托并未因此而解散,我今天也还是同一个信托的唯一受益人。)
  • The example of this is a restaurant's owner asking the cashier to take out all the cash from its cash-registry which only means all the available cash would be taken but never means the boss dis-own the restaurant. It is the same that I am still the beneficiary person of the same Trust. (举例说明:一个餐厅的老板让收银员把今天银箱里全部的现金都给这个老板,但这绝不是意味着这老板从此不再是这家餐馆的老板了。我今天也还是同一个信托的唯一受益人。)

4) Confusion about its investments? Who is confused about its investments? and why? Again, I am just a beneficiary person of the Trust who has not involved in its investments, please contact 李家信托 regarding all your confusion about its investments, and please direct your concern if I am bilking to be the beneficiary person associated to 李家信托 to HongKong's law enforcement.(有关“李家信托”这家公司的投资经营?究竟谁在困扰?为什么?我再强调一次,我只是一个信托的受益人,完全不介入信托的投资经营,请就你所有困扰联系”李家信托“这家商业公司,请就你是否怀疑我是在利用“李家信托”这个公司的名字招摇撞骗联系香港警方。

----Dec. 23rd, 2018

Saturday, December 22, 2018

12-22-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (5) ---- My online gifting idea --《How it is validated lawfully my money if Trust Registry is private?》

Heard some questions about my online gifting idea. (中文附后)

1: How's the friend's gifting?
My answer: I have not figured out how to validate a friend from an occasion, what would be needed but not intrusive information, etc., and I heard commercial security screening service is a great idea to validate if the information is at least from a friendly and how friendly which would be the basis for gifting size, my past several years' "never lonely" experiences are included.

1) All are appreciated and 2) fair to all, would be the best way to describe my efforts of managing my gifting budget. (My budgeting plan was warned for "hot summer most likely" already. 😘 Luckily I have learned some professional financing and budgeting, and I do take "reserve several years', start with the regular 20Million per year" advice seriously. )

----Dec 22nd, 2018

2: How long this gifting can possibly prolong?
My answer: I expect this fixed $20Million per year gifting to be permanent because I should be provided at least $400Million yearly. I have been provided so for the past 5 years (including current) already from my 5 birth Chinese grandfathers' Trusts each year, I don't know how many of my own birth grandfathers have blessed me so lovingly, but I can certainly expect this $400Million a year from these 5 grandfathers' loving blessing, permanently and forever.
----Dec 22nd, 2018

3: Why I haven't received any blessing if from my own birth grandfathers?
My answer: Because there has been 1) some ownership-confusion regarding these Trusts' investments, and 2) some confusion regarding "what is a Trust" from China (blood associated and not blood-associated), as well as 3) public and legal confusion regarding if any of these payments are from a private investor eventually or from a company that deprived its lawful investor.

Now, most of the ownership confusions (if not all) have been clarified, China seems working on "money lawful ownership means to own money according to laws, not willingness nor deservedness", and all the payments have been clarified according to laws to be upon lawful investors' instructions that no company has deprived its lawful investor. So, I am expecting these payments now and already started my gift-budgeting.

----Dec 22nd, 2018

4: How this "No lawful investor being deprived" been validated if none of these Trusts' registry is open to the public?
My answer: Basically, what I heard is the validation has addressed legal confusions about if a lawful investor possibly being deprived.

1:) According to laws, 6+1 countries' governments' Justice Departments have validated those paying related companies in each of these countries has not deprived each's lawfully registered investor owner.

2:) According to laws, 6+1 countries' governments' Justice Departments have validated those paying related companies in each of these countries have not changed each's lawful investor since each company's establishment, and accumulated years qualified laws' required "over 600 years."

3:) According to laws, 6+1 countries' governments' Justice Departments have validated those paying related companies in each of these countries have not received any complaint filed from each's lawful investor since each's such upon-instruction providing payment(s).

So, None of these paying related companies that have provided for me had deprived its investor, and I am qualified for investor tax.

And, all these 6+1 countries are famous for each's economic scale.

So, I am comfortable that none of these Trusts' registry is open to the public.

----Dec 22nd, 2018

5: How can it be so certain that I am the sole beneficiary person?
My answer: I heard it also been validated as well, it was backward validation. Meaning? All the Trusts‘ registries that set up by my closest five generation grandfathers and my great-grandmother which covers all the legally valid kin are all have been validated, I am the lawful sole beneficiary person for all these Trusts.
----Dec 22nd, 2018



1) 所有的善意我都珍惜,2)不会厚此薄彼,这两点会是我管理这份礼品支出的努力目标。(我已经被警告 “就这速度,很快可能就没钱了。” 😘 幸运的是,我可是已经学过了专业的资金运作和预算决算了,而且我也很认真对待“要有资金储配,第一年就用常规的2千万美金开始“之类的建议。






4:如果我所继承的这些信托的登记信息都不公开,那如何证实了 “没有一家公司掠夺了其法律上的合法投资人?


2:)根据法律,6+1个国家的司法当局证实了这些国家里的付款相关公司自从公司登记成立伊始就没有更换过其法律登记上的合法投资人,所累计年份也符合法律所规定的 “超过了600 “。



5: 是如何确定我是唯一受益人的?


Friday, December 21, 2018

12-21-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (4) -- 《我所宣称的财富究竟是什么钱?》

我的亲朋送礼计划继续引发涟漪, 听说了今天早上所播出的一些澄清和一些疑问。


2:Regarding the saying there is no guarantee if I can receive any money from the past several years' payout but from this year's on can be protected by laws.
My comment: Is that from some Chinese citizens? Is that to imply laws have been disabled for the past several years in the United States but can be re-installed from now on? Who can be this privileged to disable laws in the United States? All those paid-out from my Trusts' investments have been in the United States.
----Dec. 21st, 2018









2:“为何1948年就给了而不是1965年去世时才给?” 我估计是因为中国当时在闹共产主义,1948年当时的上海已经能感受到当时的国民政府自己已经有了危机感。






Thursday, December 20, 2018

12-20-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (3) --《如果有投资私营公司,为何送礼规模如此节俭?》





















Wednesday, December 19, 2018

12-19-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (2) --《为何私营企业不可以随便给钱?为何给我?是否4亿美金之巨》













请参阅  12-18-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划

有关血缘关系送礼计划 (依据我听说的。如不正确,请在听说我收到4亿美元生活费用给付后送礼前予以纠正,共996.6万美元

四等亲(5人, 共125万元)约每人25万元。



母系的血缘关系送礼计划草稿 (共166.1万美元):
我外公王怀迎子女(不包括我母亲)( 11人,共88万) 约每人8万元。




Tuesday, December 18, 2018

12-18-2018 我的亲朋送礼计划 (1)-- 《送礼计划及立场》















Monday, December 17, 2018

12-17-2018 O'Connors True Anger has been... 以及什么是唯一受益人

12-17-2018 O'Connors True Anger has been... 以及什么是唯一受益人

I heard my yesterday's blog article has made some O's shade their tears and I also heard a lot of people do think that was a horrible scene, and why it has to be like that.

O's confusion has been almost 200 years long stories. On July 1st of 2004, when O's angrily emphasized, again and again, that they disagree I had inherited that company already and they refused to spend that money as I wished, there was not a single person made a sound but my spending continued. This horrible scene has angered O's for all this time since that day.

The reason nobody made a sound was because
1:) O's confusion has been almost 200 years' long, full of stories and fights.

2:) I did not inherit that American company, that American company has been owned entirely by its British Investor company for about 400 years. What I inherited is a Trust that has been investing in that American company through its upstream investors' chain, but not the American company itself.

3:) It was already very obvious at the moment that I did not intend to spend their money and it would be ensured not their money.

I am so sorry for that horrible feeling from this. Please let be known if there were similar horrible scenes. That horribleness was not because of any negativeness from all those insensitive everyone.

----Dec. 17th, 2018









Sunday, December 16, 2018

12-16-2018 Money lawful ownership never changes upon confusion(财产的法律拥有权从不因困扰而改变)

12-16-2018  Money lawful ownership never changes upon confusion(财产的法律拥有权从不因困扰而改变)

If I have money should be the matter of lawful ownership, not upon personal authentication to own or be dis-owned.

Money ownership change has been strictly law matter throughout history, never eligible to be changed upon personal opinions.

Example of lawful ownership never change upon confusion
The British East India Company, the one with the troops, has never changed its ownership, nor its most famous French Financier company's American Investment. The British East India Company's most famous French Financier company's British investment has been the owner of this American Investment for over 400 years. My shared ownership confusion with O' name since July 1st of 2004 about this American Investment never changed its lawful ownership. Both O' name and I have changed both sides sayings about the matter after its lawful owner, the French Financier company's British Investment, has clarified the ownership confusion. I never won the argument of who actually owns this American Investment from O' name. I just backed off quietly from its lawful ownership. O' name has been closely associated with this American company's investment decisions for almost two centuries was the reason for their confusion, my inherited Trust has been investing in the company was the reason for my confusion. There have been a lot of uncomfortable feelings from O' name after my anxiety outbreak,

I publicly apologize sincerely to O' name for all my misbehaves during my anxiety outbreak.

----Dec. 16th, 2018

Also, I heard this morning's broadcasting of arranged child announcement. It is funny that nobody even knows who can be that child, or if ever exists. Nobody even needs to ask who or why need to make such arranged child announcement, the reason is already well-known for year-s "too many on-air time but no contents".

----Dec, 16th, 2018

Currently, I still don't know who is demanding fiercely for "same equal ownership" for everything I lawfully solely own, not really from my maiden name but definitely from China. Everything means my male, my residence house, my dresses, etc. I have been named a whore-level concerned person to prevent me to go to any residence that is owned by those who have no association with me for over 20 or 30 years already, but my residence house and my male have been publicly demanded "should be open for sharing is those Chinese married females' basic right", with the help from some R-names.

All these angry toned expressions "I don't want you to see my husband or my house, I am sensitive about it all. But I have to come to your house, I am his wife and capable to bear a child biologically is already proved.Who the fxxx is this?

----Dec, 16th, 2018









请参阅  12-06-2018 和南京方面的矛盾(7) ---- 南京药检所及其他





请参阅   是否是为了谋财害命?

----Dec. 16th, 2018

Saturday, December 15, 2018

12-15-2018 我奶奶从来没有爱上丁姓私人助理

12-15-2018 我奶奶从来没有爱上丁姓私人助理






我是在博文里分析指控丁姓私人助理可能涉嫌为谋财而谋杀了我爷爷方智仁以及我奶奶毛阿妹。我听说的: 我爷爷奶奶两人都是因为小恙被丁姓私人助理送进医院后就必须住院治疗,我爷爷奶奶都是投诉他在他们两人各自住院期间不准我爷爷奶奶在医院里花我爷爷奶奶自己的钱而且因为什么原因就是不能出院回家,两人也都是再也没有回家,两人都是死在医院里(1958 和1965),我父亲及其弟妹应继承的钱财被丁姓私人助理所拥有或所支配都是在1965年我爷爷去世前后,不是1958年。








Friday, December 14, 2018

12-14-2018 Other than eyes, nose and mouth, I resemble my father impressively (除了五官,我和我父亲长得是在太像了)

12-14-2018 Other than eyes, nose and mouth, I resemble my father impressively (除了五官,我和我父亲长得是在太像了)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting, how many birthmarks I may carry.

Well, I know I am after my father in almost everyway, in ways how we turn and how we move, in ways how we sit and how we stand, and in ways how we talk and how we are looking at.

Not only I have my father's palms as birthmark, I also have my father's forehead which may also a family birthmark: Both my father and his youngest sister have this family forehead from my grandfather so distinctive, even though it is definitely not abnormally huge at all (not even a five-head), that the first impression of seeing anyone of us approaching is the dominant impression of such a huge forehead, then is our looks.

And, I have alot more such distinctive places on my appearance from my father that may also be our family birthmarks.





----Dec. 14th, 2018



这也就是我方敏对传闻中的彭丽媛近期在美国的国宴上所做的“她也就是自作多情("she is just self-indulging"(再英译中一次意思就又成了“她也就只有自摸自摸而已”)”说法的正式回应了。


Thursday, December 13, 2018

12-13-2018 Why I am so miserable if I do have my own money? 以及南师大附中相关的

12-13-2018 Why I am so miserable if I do have my own money? 以及南师大附中相关的

Why I am so miserable if I do have my own money? The answer is very simple, the R-names plus their in-laws and their cousins made the headcounts over 400, but I am one individual.

How come my Trusts' businesses don't come to the rescue? They are already at wherever R-investments are harassing.

The huge issue is the personal phone-calls and on-foot friends-visiting from over 400 R-names'(including associated), but I have already sent out over 100 emails to call police officers to help out.

Exactly, what has been the story? It is all about whose money I have been provided for. Have you noticed, one-child-only families among R-names are much relaxed and easy to believe I have my own money? The reason? Because it is indeed very easy to verify it is never their money. But for those R-names families who have several children, well, you heard those adult children's screams "We are going to find out exactly whose money" on the radio for over 5 years, my responsive howling "I have my own money" for over 3 years (one year on the radio, two years on my web blog).

Example Setting: a nationwide computer seminar (original link: Illustrated story of July 1st of 2004 )
A CEO of a big computer company with his staff and me as a computer programmer together with my own colleagues from another independent computer company decided to go lunch together.

I started to spend money handsomely with cheers from my own colleagues who know my family is a well-known famous big company in the oil-chemistry industry but freaked out CEO and his staff. No one from my own colleagues realized what was the issue because my family business is a big company which they thought CEO should certainly know, and CEO's staff thought some of their own who do know about the oil-chemistry company are bad guys who were trying to please the new "attractive female" but completely ignore the possibility that the married CEO may not even be interested at all.

A lot of investments that my Trusts have invested in the United States are all started as foreign investments in America while Rockefeller's family business started as an authentic American business. All those "my own colleagues" who cheered my spending on July 1st of 2004 had all thought Rockefeller names' staff certainly knew I have my own money already while Rockefeller-names' staff thought some of their very familiar friends (Rockefellers' family business insiders) who also cheered my spending had completely ignored the fact that the married Mr. Rockefeller may not even interested in me. 
(---- from blog article of Dec. 12th, 2018)

What was the story on July 1st of 2004? A lot said if my "Illustrated story of July 1st of 2004" was what happened, normally there would be some questions asked from the "CEO's group" and there would be some proudness from "my colleagues' group", especially when both groups are American businesses.

So, what was exchanged on July 1st of 2004?
CEO started screaming: "I said I am not going to spend that money".
I started laughing and continued: "I want to have...."

Angry CEO's group to CEO: "Not going to be our spending. Guarantee you."
My colleagues' group: "She got her own money good."
Obviously know both party group to CEO: "Promised not going to be your money. Don't worry about it."

Mild CEO's group: "What is the business?"
Proud my colleagues' group proudly: "(pronunciation) The Pinctos."
Mild CEO's group all puzzled: "Never heard of."
Proud my colleagues' group: "What is yours?"
Mild CEO's group proudly (Accurate recording here): "The Center."
Proud my colleagues' group all bewildered: "Never heard of" and "That is a building!"

Outsider group I (Chinese government) look at everybody and concluded: "She is spending the money that American rich never even intend to give."

Outsider group II (worldwide business and non-business groups) kept blinking their eyes: "What is The Pinctos? What is The Center? What is going on here?"

What happened since that day? The angry exchange "Whose money????" and "Never your money!!!!" between R-investments and my Trusts' businesses for over 14 years now (all American business for both groups), the R-names determination to clarify "never Min Fang's money" on the radio, and my howling "I have my own birth Chinese grandfathers' gifts."

The Pinctos (pronunciation) is a Financial Institute's name, The Center is the famous Rockefeller Center in NYC.

This is the story that has been recorded in that day's teleconference record.

----Dec. 13th, 2018







Wednesday, December 12, 2018

12-12-2018 Why I still claim I have money after Reckefellors are so publicly denounced me?(洛克菲勒家都已经一次次申明和我从未有过任何关系了,我怎么还在说自己有钱?)

12-12-2018 Why I still claim I have money after Rockefellers are so publicly denounced me?(洛克菲勒家都已经一次次申明和我从未有过任何关系了,我怎么还在说自己有钱?)

Some asked what exactly is the confusion between me and Rockefeller's name.(中文附后)
My response: My July 1st of 2004's big spending. Let me illustrate what exactly is the confusion.

Example Setting: a nationwide computer seminar. 
A CEO of a big computer company with his staff and me as a computer programmer together with my own colleagues from another independent computer company decided to go lunch together.

I started to spend money handsomely with cheers from my own colleagues who know my family is a well-known famous big company in the oil-chemistry industry but freaked out CEO and his staff. No one from my own colleagues realized what was the issue because my family business is a big company which they thought CEO should certainly know, and CEO's staff thought some of their own who do know about the oil-chemistry company are bad guys who were trying to please the new "attractive female" but completely ignore the possibility that the married CEO may not even be interested at all.

A lot of investments that my Trusts have invested in the United States are all started as foreign investments in America while Rockefeller's family business started as an authentic American business. All those "my own colleagues" who cheered my spending on July 1st of 2004 had all thought Rockefeller names' staff certainly knew I have my own money already while Rockefeller-names' staff thought some of their very familiar friends (Rockefellers' family business insiders) who also cheered my spending had completely ignored the fact that the married Mr. Rockefeller may not even interested in me. 

That is all, but a lot of Rockefeller-names' staff are still struggling why I still claim I have my own money after so many Rockefellers have made so clear public denouncements. The good thing is it is clarified that all the money that had been spent as I wished for non-investment purpose on July 1st of 2004 were never owned by any Rockefeller's nor any Rockefellers' relatives including in-laws.

My anger has been why those from China or those graduated from the same high school or from the same college can state that they are the ones to know it can only be romance money if I dare to have some wealth.

And how a same high school graduated who is not even from same year can declare it can only be romance money if I dare to have intellectual incomes which are obviously earned by the knowledge I have learned from my college educations.

*The difference between businesses "from foreign-investment" and "from authentic American start-up" is similar to Military-oriented and commercial-oriented: never heard of each other.

----Dec. 12th, 2018










Tuesday, December 11, 2018

12-11-2018 如果其他方家后人和我要钱,都是爷爷后代,给我钱的爷爷们会帮谁?

12-11-2018 如果其他方家后人和我要钱,都是爷爷后代,给我钱的爷爷们会帮谁?











Monday, December 10, 2018

12-10-2018 Why my living is so shabby in Boston but kept on saying I am a wealthy person not on romance money?(我在波城过的是穷人日子怎么还老是说自己有钱但不是在妄想裤裆钱)

12-10-2018 Why my living is so shabby in Boston but kept on saying I am a wealthy person not on romance money? (我在波城过的是穷人日子怎么还老是说自己有钱但不是在妄想裤裆钱)

Heard this morning's talk about why I looked so shabby in Boston, Massachusetts.

When I am on a welfare standard, what else to expect but shabby? My anger has been it has been so loud on the radio that whenever anyone needs some money, it is so proudly on the radio to assign out my expected providing for living expenses as if I owe anyone of those demanded so much money. I have to clarify that I never owe them any money nor any living expenses providing is the only reason they can not file any lawsuit to demand money from a valid judicial court.

I think the root problem is why those prominent wives who have the privileged power to grab the microphone so expect themselves to be privileged enough to change "my money's" lawful ownership, as long as that is assumed my money and as long as they are really having acknowledged romances with really good men who are so willing to testify so with the emphasis on how my romance was never wanted, even after I kept on responding I never had such biological male part biologically on my biological female body? (meaning? I am obviously expected a truly privileged person to truly understand the value of such advertisement, but.....)

When there are no judicial arguments about the lawful ownership of this or that money,
When those prominent wives are not even privileged to file lawsuits to express their own opinions about lawful ownership of the money because those are the money they never own,
Why would they so expect themselves to be privileged to change the money's lawful ownership through a public microphone?
Why I have to live on social security's welfare because they are wives live on their own males but I am a female financially self-independent?

As those prominent males, including those who I have met and those who I never even heard of,  already declared they never gave me a penny, they never intended to give me a penny and they determined never would give me a penny. And, I have to add loudly that I never demand any romance money from any male but kept saying I have inherited money since June 30th of 2004.  So, I am a financially independent female.

As any financially independent person, my incomes comes from profession related which I call my intellectual property income and my inherited money from my birth Chinese grandfathers as their willed sole beneficiary person.

So, I ask these two questions out of my anger calmly:
Which one of these money-incomes that is claimed my money has any judicial argument(s) regarding its lawful ownership?
Why is this "privileged to take over to leave me penniless" if there is some money that is assumed my money?
Who is the privileged person can change the lawful ownership of which specific money from my incomes sources without my own willingness? I refuse that person's such privilege, for whoever that person might be.

I am so glad I am protected by LAWS, I am so happy I have great entrusting attorneys, I just need to cope with shabby living for the time being.

----Dec. 10th, 2018

Some said if he or she is the person who said I have money, this same person can change this person's such saying.
My response: I have to ask why this person said I have money in the past? a reporting effort to say what this person had heard of? had verified of? And if so, how this person can deprive this reported money's lawful ownership by changing this person's own reporting of it?

Or had this person authorized me to have some money? then, what privileged this person to authorized what money to me? how much and where is that money should expect from? In the United States, unknown money source is a crime.

----Dec. 10th, 2018

Some said, how this paid-out is your money.
My explanation: I use an example to illustrate this for anyone who is not a business person.

An attorney registered a law firm and used this law firm bought a property as an office. This attorney can only claim to be the owner of this office property because of the ownership of the law firm.

It is the same to a commercial company A that is owned by another commercial company B, this means no one can claim to be the owner of the commercial company A unless this person is the owner of the commercial company B, and if this commercial company B is owned by the commercial company C, then, no one can claim to be the owner of the commercial company A unless being the owner of the commercial company C, and so on so forth.

Hope this can help clarify the confusion regarding the instructed paid-out money from those paying American companies. I heard it is proven those are all my lawful money already even though my Trust registry is not open to the public. How? I think that is law professionals specialty to answer, not me, at least not yet.

----Dec. 10th, 2018











