
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

10-14-2017 Who is The Better Child from The Famous Ancestors we share (谁才是我显赫家祖我们共同祖先的优秀孩子)

10-14-2017 Who is The Better Child from The Famous Ancestors we share (谁才是我显赫家祖我们共同祖先的优秀孩子)

Heard this morning's broadcast of fourth cousin saying(中文附后).
My response: My family are known now for 2000 years polygamist family history. None of my grandfathers had any mistress or illegitimate children. They were never in such situation that they could not marry a woman.

Historically, all my grandfathers wives were daughters from very decent families, my non-Emperors' grandfathers' "privilege" was next generation heir of this long history family had not born yet, and only daughters from very decent families were eligible to mother a heir. My grandfathers only started to negotiate a new marriage when all the wives could not bear any more child.

My great grandfather was born by his father's youngest wife. He had two wives himself. His first wife was infertile and all his children were from his second wife who I call my great grandmother. Both my grandfather and my father were first born and they both have one-wife marriage. My father only father me and my younger brother. Since I am the heir and his first born, my father was like his grandfather and my grandfather who have no "privilege" to marry more decent daughters to mother a heir. My father and my grandfather both in love with the other of their children who I can my mother and my great grandmother, and my grandfather's prime time was WWII and Chinese Civil War time that they all never had any mistress who mother any child or children from them.

My family's long wealthy Imperial history, of course, had long history of family disputes about wealth and historical titles, and plus the struggles of those children from decent mothers who were not the first wives. Those children's struggles were their mothers struggles, the same.

Every generation, after the senior's death and family inheriting,  most of those children chose to move out with their mothers to far, far away places, some of them may also have changed their last name before or during Chinese Civil War time. Each of these non-heir sons had a non-heir share of inheritance from the senior. My inheritances from my great grandfathers are all the same as non-heir share, I am the mysterious "plus one" non-heir son in each generation's family inheriting disputes.

 I got some extra-s from some grandfathers because of some extraordinary situation to re-allocate family wealth to the "future female heir ( that is me)" instead of their heir sons (my next generation grandfathers). I am this generation heir and I may have inherited my this generation heir's share from my grandfather (my father's father) directly due to some situation.

I do not have any first or second cousin unknown or in different last name, but I may have some third cousins or fourth cousins, etc. who may not even have the same last name.

----Oct. 14th, 2017

Heard this morning's struggles of who is the better child of my famous ancestors we share.
My response: This is the struggle that has the same long history as my family history.

Being a mother myself, I do have the understanding that my famous ancestors we share must be very proud of all of their great children.

Being the person having my own name built, I do share the belief that I am being my ancestors proud because of my own achievements.

Birthmark made me the privileged heir of my own ancestors according to my own ancestors inheriting rule. Birthmark does not make me a better child is a true statement, but my own hard earned achievements do make me my own ancestors proud.

I inherited my own grandfathers titles and entrusted wealth was according to my own grandfathers' own wills. Other than these family inheritances and my ancestors' heir title, those other great children from my famous ancestors that we share certainly can be our ancestors proud by their own achievements if their blood are clearly from my ancestors.

----Oct. 14th, 2017













