
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, October 8, 2017

10-08-2017 More About Lehman Brother's and CDC Valuable Papers (更多有关雷曼兄弟及CDC有价证券)

10-09-2017 Heard this morning's broadcasting is reporting style.
My response: I agree. I will stop updating my blog unless my explanations are needed. I do have the willingness to write more when I am healthier with better English and Chinese in writing.
My treatment progress well even with some enhanced harassment. This cancer can be treated fast enough, I am looking forward to be back to complete biological healthy before I know.
----Oct. 9th, 2017

10-08-2017 More About Lehman Brother's and CDC Valuable Papers(更多有关雷曼兄弟及CDC有价证券)

Head this morning's confusion conversation,(中文附后)
My response: Ya.

Heard question about "why government would let Lehman Brother like that in a lawful U.S.A."
My response: CDC is the real reason and my financial lost is my own idea.

1: The "evil" investor I was trying to setup is myself. So it is my greatest idea to let this happen to myself. And I did have very good intention to "take care of " other possibly impacted parties in my smartest setup plan.

2: CDC is the real reason that Lehman Brother has financial turmoil. CDC basically is loans having higher interest rate. For example, if the base housing loan from Freddie Mac, is only 2% to its quota-ed financial institutes, normally, financial institute will add some service charge and to sell to another non-quota-ed financial institute at something like 3% interest rate or sell to the home buyer directly at higher home loan interest rate, the concern of this business is the risk of loans going default, so the buyer financial institute will sell loans they bought to home buyers directly or don't buy if the in-financial-institute loan interest rate is already at a certain level that raise the risk if home buyer can afford the loan interest rate to pay the loan off. CDC is the type of loan that "ignore" the risk evaluation if higher interest rate loans will go default. The CDC had been wide spread in 2004 already was the real reason of Lehman Brother's story.

3: The difference between regular home loan interest rate 8% to CDC's 15%-20% interest rate is the financial impact of CDC. My setup plan was to let Lehman Brothers' buy as much as these CDCs as possible to hold or to sell at non-CDC market interest rate (8% rate). The difference between Lehman Brother's bought-in high interest rate CDC papers and sold-off low interest rate non-CDC papers are my own "setup" of my own financial loss.

If some of you still have any CDC valuable papers bought from Lehman Brothers, the face price you bought should below interest rate 8% priced and you certainly can sell those valuable papers now if you haven't. (* current home loan is at 5% or so)

*Note: 8%, 15-20% are all example interest rate.

4:The featured three person in my smartest setup planing conversation, the pissed-off investor is the person taking good care of my inheritance, the complainer is the impacted by investor's family's investment choice, I am the ungrateful beneficiary of the investor's family's investment decision. So I heard that both investor and complainer love to watch number-sensitive-me to see the number of my own smartest setup.

5: I have no problem with Lehman Brothers' this name or this company with its management, both the investor and the complainer are fully aware of that for certain. Heard some confusion about recent rumors related to Lehman Brother's, I firmly believe both the investor and the complainer would take good care of the possibles if there is anything unusual.

----Oct. 8th, 2017

Heard Chinese Central Bank bough some CDCs from Lehman Brothers is one of the reason of the tone.
My response: I assume Chinese central government officials can evaluate if those CDCs bought are already profiting.
----Oct. 8th, 2017


我的回应:CDC 有价证劵是真正的原因,我自己的财务损失是我自己的主意。



3:常规的8% 买房贷款利息和CDC贷款的15-20%买房贷款利息之间的差价就是CDC这种贷款可能会造成的金融经济影响。我的修理计划就是让雷曼兄弟尽量买进高价高利率的CDC贷款再以平价低利率的CDC卖出贷款或者就是持在手上。雷曼兄弟的高利率CDC的高价位买入价和雷曼兄弟平价的CDC贷款卖出价是我自己“修理”自己造成的我自己的经济损失。





