
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

10-19-017 All these Insults are out of Hatred or out of Insanity?(所有这些言语挑衅是出于仇恨还是出于精神失常?)

10-19-017 All these Insults are out of Hatred or out of Insanity?(所有这些言语挑衅是出于仇恨还是出于精神失常?)

Heard this morning's talk about who is the father of that published child in 2012(中文附后).
My response: I heard this morning confirmed that is a real child who resembles the beautiful me a lot.
----Oct. 19th, 2017

Heard this morning's "proposal".
My response: I repeat what I said in the morning: That is the person I never met that he can never claim that published child if she is my biological daughter.

This answer "I am not interested in you since I have never met you", I assume, would be given by any honorably, decent female who do not live on underwear relationship.

----Oct. 19th, 2017

Why a female, just being a sex partner to a male who got nothing to do with me, can feel so comfortable to arrange this?
My response: To insult, I assume, out of hatred or out of insanity.

I only acknowledged one biological daughter and one biological son, I do not know if I have more same age biological children among announced 6 pairs and I will be thrilled if I do. I did hear the announcement about one same age girl but I also heard conflicted "nothing to do at all" announcements that I should listen to, so I say I am not certain if that girl announcement is not just a joke.

This "I throw you a male's underwear" tone has been since 1989. I never met anyone that I could say I dated seriously when I was in China so that I was not really in the situation to experience this tone a lot, but if you remembered the story of how a wife can throw her husband underwear to me when I was her guest in 1995, the boss and his wife's story from Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, that was the same tone exactly like you hear on the radio this morning. This has been my experience in Chinese community in past 10-12 years. What you heard on the radio program is probably just a reflection of this, just like the tone of yesterday's episode, "I got nothing to do with Chinese woman Min Fang, so I say I need you to do this or to spend this much money as I said so", yesterday's number requested you heard was $30 Billion in U.S dollars, was the reflection of experiences from my associated since July 1st of 2004.

In 1989's meeting, I was not having a serious boyfriend that can anger anyone this way. The Shanghai Communism Youth Party guy I met in 1988 was having a sexual involved girlfriend, by rumor, in 1989 already that everybody knows him possibly already heard so that I was not considered having anything to do with him in 1989's college meeting. The military guy I was chatting in 1989 meeting with may have a girlfriend but was not in the civilian world to do so, and I never met that military guy in person for anyone need to do so.

Regarding the tone that I need to pay a woman to reward her to mother a child with a man who was implied as my own man like what was featured yesterday, I am not certain if it was since 1989, I knew for sure it was definitely since July 1st of 2004. I am certain the intention is to insult, to arouse hostility and anger, but I am not sure if that was from hatred or from insanity.

Other than these, I do not know who else and what is the reason of hatred.

----Oct. 19th, 2017

Heard the saying that I was just a homeless, a shame to my children.
My response: I also heard if you have your own big money, why not just enjoy life, enjoy the sunshine, etc..

I have to say,
I was called a homeless because I was enjoying the sunshine with all my belongings next to me;
I was called a homeless because I could lookup at stars in bed outdoor-ly;
I was called a homeless because I felt the pouring raindrops all over me that wet my shoes uncomfortably.
I was called a homeless because I watched snow flakes covered me with chilly wind piecing my warmness.

I was enjoying my life harshly because all these spots I hung around were all well-known reserved spots in 2004 to ensure bearable-ness, I was at home entire time when I was called a homeless.

Why I chose to enjoy life so? Well, that is the question I asked law's help to find out. I was not afraid of harshness because of all these arrangements to make it all bearable to me. I was cared for with my children.


----Oct. 19th, 2017



我所给的回答“我从未见过你,我对你一点兴趣都没有” 应该是任何一个正正经经的非花痴,也不靠卖裤裆生活的良家妇女都会给的答案吧。













