
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

10-21-2017 I do have my own money and I did not Spend Rockefeller' Money(我自己有钱我确实没有花洛克菲勒家的钱)

10-21-2017 I do have my own money and I did not Spend Rockefeller' Money(我自己有钱我确实没有花洛克菲勒家的钱)

Heard this morning's explained why Rockefellers' were approached to spend money on those I want.
My response: I heard the agitation from this big name I respect was why they were approached to support spending on those "what I want". If I have my own money and I have no intention to use their money, why I did not spend money on what I want myself?

The Lehman Brother's CDC story is the reason. CDC in 2004 had been wide spread that high interest rate loans were not something that housed in some banks or in illustration only. In 2004, CDCs were in housing loans, in car loans and its insurance to against default were in trading like stocks. The amount involved was not some in-house loan quota can be simply calculated by replace higher interest rate with lower one. Its amount includes all those loans that already used to buy houses, cars and in-trading insurance. It was mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting already.

This was huge cash needed situation that I assume most of, if not all, my prepared " inheritance day shopping spray” cash budget went into this CDC concern that a lot of people share, even this CDC was never part of "what I want".

I am sorry for all these agitation caused by this, and I am sorry for those agitation enhancement from those simple calculators who calculated that only $500,000 total cash needed for 2004's CDC concern because "it was only interest rate difference for quota-ed loans".

----Oct. 21st, 2017

Heard this morning's clarification on the "having a girl" announcement joke. 
My response: Ya. Now everyone knows I really do not have any child or any children with David Petraeus.

I heard David Petraeus has a young age son James from a Jessica as he announced, that girl he joked about is his in-laws own born 6 or 7 years' old daughter.

I am not the person like this kind joke, and I am the person hate "witty jokes".

"A male came into your house to tell you he has his son with him, and he is willing to donate this child in order for you to have a son to be called heir and to inherit everything you own, and this male even brought already validly prepared legal documentations for you to sign with a haughty gesture "sign here if you don't mind". This male so happily looked at you, insist on ignoring your squeezed-out "I do mind",  and seriously asked you to show your appreciation for his charity."

I heard this joke, rumored from real life experience, and commented, this male certainly has not experienced what an insulted fist can do to the structure of his face, or a big slap means to the color of his face.

----Oct. 21st, 2017


雷曼兄弟故事里的CDC是原因。2004年的时候CDC高利息贷款已经到处都是,不是什么还在银行里或者只是个概念而已。在2004年,CDC是房屋贷款,汽车贷款的主要形式,怕倒账所设的保险是像股票一样可以上市交易。所牵涉到的金额可不是什么银行里的贷款额度的高利率换低利息的差别, 而是包括那些已经贷出被用来买了房子,车子的金额及已经在上市交易中的保险金的总额。这点在2004年7月1日的会议上就已经提到了。




我的回应:现在所有人都知道了我确实和David Petraeus之间没有任何子女。

我有听说David Petraeus是有一个未成年的儿子James,就像他所宣布的那样是由一个Jessica所生。那个6岁或7岁的女孩是他的姻亲自己所生的小孩。



