
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Thursday, October 5, 2017

10-05-2017 Chinese Government's representatives' "BATHROOM" talk.(中国政府代表的“厕所”言论)

10-05-2017 Chinese Government's representatives' "BATHROOM" talk.(中国政府代表的“厕所”言论)

Heard this morning's featured Chinese Premiere's "Bathroom" power.
My response: Indeed, I can totally imagine how powerful that can be with his legally registered married true love Beijing native wife being his colleagues' shared public bathroom (by rumor). You can just feel that power from his public post titled strength-full voice shouting the "PUBLIC BATHROOM" on a public channel radio.

I have been complaining Chinese communities attacking and picking up on me being a woman since 2004, have been organized by Chinese Foreign Department. With this morning's tone from Chinese government, obviously, that is not incorrect accusation.

----Oct. 5th, 2017

Heard this morning's "on Min Fang's case".
My response: Exactly how many cases I have by whom? I have screaming about "volunteers" that representing me without authorization on any matters, now you heard these "volunteers voices" of governing. I leave this to my authorized attorneys.

----Oct. 5th, 2017

Heard this morning's "who is that penis" investigation from Chinese government's representatives.
My response: I am a U.S. citizen, why "who is that penis" is Chinese government's representatives investigation at all? Not to mention that is not the same person as stated "dated since 2007.." If he who father that Chinese female's child is already the richest in Canadian house, why harassing me?

In United States, a polygamist is never unheard of, a female polygamist heir from a long 2000 years polygamist family is never hard to imagine. There is a "customary marriage" in United States marriage conducts that include lawful polygamist marriage. As you heard on the radio, a polygamist marriage can be a lawful marriage in United States if eligible for this hard to qualify "customary marriage".

The fact that I am a female polygamist is not surprising to public, why my dating experience in 2004 as a polygamist is worth investigation?

----Oct. 5th, 2017





我的回应:我是美国公民,为什么是由中国政府代表进行这个“谁是那条睾具”的调查?更不用说那根本就不是同一个人, 就像你听到的是”从2007年开始.." 既然和那个中国女人生了个孩子的他已经是加拿大那家最富裕的,还要冲我吼我干嘛?


