
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

10-24-2017 Who owns the Fund that caused O'Connor Confusion and My Screams?

10-24-2017 Who owns the Fund that caused O'Connor Confusion and My Screams?

Heard this morning's confusion about an entrusting fund's "splits".
My response: No such splits at all.

I own that fund 100%. That is the fund caused O'Connor families' confusion about their family wealth.

That fund is setup by my own birth grandfather's entrust that I inherited on June 30th, 2004. That fund is currently under entrusting that since July 1st of 2004.

That fund had covered my $400 Million medical expense between 2015-2016. That medical spending was never some one-time-only expense. I am currently provided by other funds is only because I do have inherited more than one or two funds. Not a single O'Connor has any reasons at all to provide for me and no O'Connor never did.

This morning's "accounting book tear-off performances" talk was about how this $400 Million spending is no longer on this fund's accounting book. There had been other this kind performing efforts about some other accounting books records.

That is the fund had a CEO being dragged out by over 100 people wearing custom police uniforms in 2014 rumor. This rumor can certainly be verified by that day's satellite image enlarged enough to see different versions of police uniform colored costumes.

----Oct. 24th, 2017

Heard this morning's featured about agreed upon providing confusion.

$100, 000/month *12 months * roughly 200 households of O'Connor = roughly $200 Million a year.

The argument this morning was why the number has been beyond this $200 Million agreed upon size.

The direct line O'Connor household (Tina O'Connor's father) has much higher providing size that has made total agreed upon providing size beyond agreed $200 Millions size.

-----Oct. 24th, 2017

Heard this morning's accusation of good names being impacted since 2004 and possible class law suits.
My response: I am the same victim like them. Three meetings in 2004 (January, June and July) were all my inheriting related meetings that some how turned into chat-rooms. I do not know who invited them and how their names being impacted.

I am calling law enforcement's help regarding similar issues the same.

----Oct. 24th, 2017

Heard this morning's my accusations being broadcasted as angry victim.
My response:

I had near death experience in 1997 which had been featured on the radio. It was the Chinese restaurant's bathroom incidence.

I had near death experience caused by brain connection tissues damages in 2004 that memory loss impacted by the incident was almost everybody who participated any 2004's meetings aware of.

I had near death experience in 2014 that entire apartment building had to be evacuated except myself. That has been well known in Boston, MA.

I had this "near death" experience since 2015's radio program campaign that I was the subject should be thrown out on to the streets, to be the beggar that do not deserve my wealth, my name honor and my life. The expected result of this radio campaign is to make me so annoyingly hated that if I can be killed on Boston streets, no sympathy or curiosity or anger should be aroused because that is how I deserved. This has been my accusation toward radio program's efforts since 2015. This has been the reason I constantly calling law enforcement's help.

I have been protected ever since I arrived United States, I recovered from 2004's incidence with remembering capability.

----Oct. 24th, 2017

Heard confusion of my $400 Million a year medical expense may have been abused.
My response: That is untrue statement. The medical providers that receiving this $400 Millions are not that kind groups.

My yearly medical expense have been paid since July 1st of 2004. Its current size is $400 Million a year. It has been used to cover my anxiety psychological treatment expense of being a remote patient and currently has been used to cover my glass house cancer treatment as a remote patient as well. It also cover my other existing medical situation's treatments as well as some new medical situations, that is if, since I live alone.

The medical expense has been paid to a generic non-hospital account, then further pay out to my treatment providers hospitals after treatment services. The money has never been transferred to any hospital's owned bank accounts without medical billings. If there are any issues on medical billings, I know my medical billings have been reviewed by the generic non-hospital account owners and my own accountants.

----Oct. 24th, 2017

Heard this morning's senior's voice puzzled audience.
My response: Audience might already know the drill how this pathetic radio program trying to belittle me and to shame me.

I heard he is a senior Charles Ford in his seventies or so who married a Chinese female. Remembered the other one, a 40 years old Chinese bachelor, expressed his willingness on the radio to "get married" to such shamefully unwanted to be provided for. The same drill.

----Oct. 24th, 2017