
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

10-12-2017 My Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education (我的宁波方家和中国的大学教育)

10-12-2017 Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education (宁波方家和中国的大学教育)

Big Thanks to everyone who helped to broadcast this morning's clarification.
----Oct. 12th, 2017

Heard this morning confirmed I am the Head Missy of Famous Ningbo Fang's House(中文附后).
My response: I am happy I am heading the house that confirmed this morning that supported to have China's College Education when China mainland was governed by Republic of China's governement . I am happy I am one of the three generation that supported China's College Education before I was even born. Mine was donated from my entrusts that my grandfathers entrusted in China.

----Oct. 12th, 2017

Heard the question why Mr. Yiren Rong's name was mentioned?
My response: I heard some donations were handled by him or his father. My great great grandfather and his young age son, my great grandfather, were the other two generations.

If there have been any confusion about how Mr. Rong handled the donation, I say:" Well, my great-great-grandfather was there fully aware of the entire donating process. If my great-great-grandfather had any concern regarding Mr. Rong's personal income as financial manager that impacted from investment size change after the donation, it would be certainly from  my great-great-grandfather's own decision and by his own arrangement. My entrusts were entrusted by my grandfathers who were also his father and his grandfathers, the entrusts were setup for the heir girl (me) who would be born to be his granddaughter carry his blood."

----Oct. 12th, 2017

My great-great-grandfather did not make arrangement about my entrusts. I do not and I would not have any Chinese seeded child or children. I won't tolerate anyone to handle my money in the name of "future father of my child".

In P.R.China, "donation" to tax collector is called "unexpected tax income" which fits 10% of donated amount tax incentive policy; donation to charity like Chinese Red Cross, or NGO (Non- government organization), it mean 10% of total donated amounts should be the service fee to who helped this donation.

This is the huge problem that I have with radio program's insist on to assign a possible "future father", obviously the intention is "to remove my decision power or my willingness of handling my own money".

----Oct. 12th, 2017









