
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

10-03-2017 Being a Female Leader is Never Easy (做一个女领导人不容易)

10-03-2017 Being a Female Leader is Never Easy.(做一个女领导人不容易)

Heard this morning's talk about why radio program's shitting me all over(中文附后).
My response: Thanks to my attorneys to address the issue so clearly. That has been my fights all these time, left me a shrew and un-lady like public image. I joked that I was swearing all I knew, all I heard of,  all I could imagine and all I could make up.

It is not easy to be a female leader, even being a heir to head my own long history house is not a public post. It is a shame to watch this organized different valued females to attack me being a female leader like what happened on the radio. I am a leader to my own inheritances.

The different value I referred means: these organized females attacking team believe in value of breasts power, believe in privileges from breasts enjoyed, what they attacked is "how could possibly a female can have any value without being a in-use-bathroom status"?

Why a female human being should be only having a value to be a bathroom to be recognized as value-able?

I have been attacked by some males trying to devoid my voice in my own inheritances as you already figured from what you heard on the radio, and I am being shitted all over by some females because I am being an independent woman.

I am who I was born into, I am who I educated up,  I am who I hard worked earned. I am proud to be an independent woman, I am proud to introduce myself as who I am and I am proud I worked my way up instead of pants off paving way up.

* I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts in 2004 when I was capable to lead.

---- Oct. 3rd, 2017

Some said have I questioned should I inherit earlier.
My response: I never have any doubts that I was not ready to be a leader before 2004.

It is not easy to be a leader, it is not easy to lead good sized inheritances. In 2004 when I was 37, I was well adapted in United States, and I was at the stage that "everything finally comes together."

In 2004, I was capable enough to have the ability to have my own vision based on my own knowledge;
In 2004, I was independent enough to ask my own questions and to make my own decisions.
In 2004, I was experienced enough to acknowledge what I do know and what I do not.
In 2004, I was responsible enough to know to back off from my in-appropriates.

All these were needed for me to be a leader in my own inheritances.

----Oct. 3rd, 2017

Heard some hostile voices in Chinese communities.
My response: Some voices are just being ridiculous:

I was accused not being honest because I refused to reveal my inheritances' bank accounts numbers;
I was rumored impossible to have my inheritances because I was born in People's Republic of China;
I was attacked should not be my grandfathers' heir because I am a female.
I was mocked impossible to have achievements because of my current under-entrusting financial situation.
I was constantly threatened " I am ensured not going to (implied "get what I want or be who I am")".

I have to say to these hostile voices:
Your threats will be complained, your ineligibility to your public post will be complained, your discrimination against my birth, my race, my gender  and my financial situation will be complained, even you are from the same birth place, same gender, same race and same financial situation.

To other hostile voices, I am listening, with my attorneys help, what are the issues.

----Oct. 3rd, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about $100 Millions.
My response: Demanding for money had been the complain I called Chinese Consulate New York in 2015.

According to radio program's public announcement, there is no Chinese Mrs. Rockefeller, so I advise this Chinese female and her related to stop self-introduce this title. If radio program's public announcement was incorrect, please file complain like I did, but please do not think I would let you take a penny of my money. I filed complain about that $100 Million already.

----Oct. 3rd, 2017
















我会就你的威胁而投诉,我会就你不适合公职而投诉,就算你和我是同样的出生背景,同样的族裔背景,同样的性别背景,同样的财务背景, 我都会就你歧视我的出生背景,我的族裔背景,我的性别背景,我的财务背景而投诉。




