Heard the confusion if my contribution to China can be authentic since I am not from the professional background。(中文附后)
My response: I would use my contribution to China's mega cities' subway system to explain this. My professional background is never city architecture, and my hobby is never architecture design.
I have been Boston, MA resident since 2004 and I had briefly lived in Boston, MA for two month in 2003. My contribution to China's Subway system you heard on the radio, if you can hear the replay while you take a look at Boston's and New York City's subway map that displayed in every subway station, you know that every single word I said is authentically my original as a technology researcher background with no architecture education. That is how I contributed to China's mega cities' subway system.
The similar is my "Classic Suzhou Garden on a Roof Top." The CDSA, computer software framework that framed every single component of a software for security purpose that I had worked out from BioGate project, contributed to that exterior design to integrated the entire garden idea. If you can hear the replay how I expressed my vision of this garden, you know that every single word is authentically my own originals even I am not the person can draw a blue print. (*And I do have a grandfather college graduated from Architecture major).
Every one of my contribution or achievements is similar this, touch the point professionally to contribute but not from professional background knowledge.
The confusion may from the difference "Authentication(真实性,证明,鉴定)" that derived from "Authentic(真实)" and "Authenticate(认证)". The radio program producers suppose to report its authentication to see if it is authentic, radio program producers are not eligible to be the authority to authenticate its authentication to make it "no longer authentic" but “fake or plagiary(虚假或剽窃)” only .
Is it implying that without radio program producing team's authentication, my contribution is not mine any more? Who are these producers so authority on any matter? How they can have this authority by their direct(females) or indirect (males) sexual experiences with prominent males? Is that because a subway is a "operational tunnel system" as well?
Boston T-map (Subway Map)

New York City's Subway Map
----Oct. 29th, 2017
Heard the confusion of what is "Entrust" and what is "inheritance."
My response: I would use an example here to explain how I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts according to my grandfathers' wills.
If you have a child about 10 years old now, and you got a fortune like win a Lotto, after you put aside what you want your child to have and what your own planned saving or investment, if you also want to put aside something for your child's child(ren), Entrust is what you need to do.
You can go to an attorney and tell the attorney how much you want your child' child to have, and you can specify exact which child from your child is the one you want to give how much this money if not intend to let all of you child's children to have this money evenly. You need to write down all these in details and that would be your will. Your will would be in this attorney's safe keeping as part of entrusting legal documentations.
After you child grow up and have child or children, the child fits your will to have that money will inherit that money from you, not your child but you. That money you entrusted would be called this child's inheritance from you.
----Oct. 29th, 2017
Heard Chinese Premiere's wife is the real authentic heir from Zu's family.
My response: I say unlikely.
According to the rumor I hear, the saying is she got a dragon tattoo hidden on her buttock's split. And Zu's family only acknowledge this dragon tattoo to be the authentic heir.
I am not doubting if it is appropriate for a father to order a heir's tattoo at a hidden place like such, I only doubt why the father would want everyone to look at his heir daughter's butts whenever the heir's authentication is in need of verification.
---Oct. 29th, 2017
这和我的”屋顶上的苏州园林"创意很类似。电脑软件的保安框架CDSA,就是我做Bio Gate软件时包裹了电脑软件的每一个部件的那个骨架结构,就是这个"屋顶苏州园林”里通过外墙设计来达到整个园林设计一体化的创意来源。如果你能听到当时这集的重播,你就会知道虽然我不是学建筑设计的更不会画设计蓝图,但每一字每一句都是我真实原创。(*我确实是有一个从建筑专业本科毕业了的爷爷)
这个困扰可能来自英语名词Authentication(真实性,证明,鉴定),这个英语单词有两个引申意思。一个是从"Authentic(真实)"引申来的,一个是从"Authenticate(认证)"引申来的。广播剧制作组应该是报道Authentication(真实性)来查核是否真实(Authentic), 广播剧的制作组不是什么权威机构可以进行通过认证(Authenticate)这些贡献的真实性(Authentication)而让这些贡献不再真实而变成了“虚假剽窃”。
Boston T-map (Subway Map)

New York City's Subway Map