
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

10-18-2017 I was never cheap even when I was on a visitor's visa

10-18-2017 I was never cheap even when I was on a visitor's visa

Heard the saying Why Jessica, the announced wife of David Petraeus, can take my $3 Billion private money?
My response: Not by U.S. laws. Not by my willingness. Being who  they are, the so super richest as they are so proud of,  I understand they are just trying to hold all my cash to watch me file bankruptcy in my personal life that may include my dear life as well, and I sue them for everything that is applicable. I am protected by U.S. laws.

----Oct. 18th, 2017

Heard this was borrowed from Lehman Brothers' story.
My response: There is so much more had been done beyond Lehman Brothers' story. You have already heard murder attempt investigation on the radio, that was never a joke.

----Oct. 18th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of my swearings in Chinese.
My response: I translate it into English here:

If you are indeed Chinese government official, you are the mother fuck whore born. Who the fuck do you think you are? You want to go suck that Hispanic's asshole, you go ahead, but don't ever fancy your asshole sucker mouth can have a penny of my money. Who the fuck you think you are, you are just a asshole sucker not even have the chance to suck her pussy, don't ever fancy your disgusting asshole sucking mouth can talk about my money.

I am adding more here:
If you already sucked her pussy, like that accountant already did, you go pay your sucking by your own money, I said the same thing to that accountant who is so aware that asshole born has nothing to do with me, if that accountant is not willing to pay by his own money because his lips is not good enough to father that asshole's born, I have to tell that accountant that, between that accountant and me,  that disgusting Hispanic female's disgusting asshole is only that accountant's willingness to suck. Go suck her if that accountant is willing, but don't ever fancy that can be my spending.

----Oct. 18th, 2017

Heard Chinese government trash me because they thought I am just a shabby new immigrant in U.S..
My response: That was the reason I applied U.S. citizenship in January of 2015. I do get the "teaching" that this term of People's Republic of China government do not serve the people but busy serving butts and breasts only.

I am proud to be an American, a U.S. citizen.

My family background is real, my inherited wealth is real, my hard earned intellectual achievements are all real. I was never cheap in United States even when I was a new arrival on a visitor's visa.

I am not the person can be so easily victimized to have some computer-made child's video published to make me childless or that is just a trashed mistress' child, I was never that cheap and my children were never that cheap or illegitimate. We were never in that situation. I am the comfortable mother currently do not live with my children because I know they are being taken good care of.

----Oct. 18th, 2017