
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, October 20, 2017

10-20-2017 Law Enforcement's Help is there for Free (报警求助是不需要花一分钱的)

10-20-2017 Law Enforcement's Help is there for Free (报警求助是不需要花一分钱的)

Heard about Pejoves Fund saying this morning(中文附后).
My response: That is the fund represented by Pejoves for about 200 years. I inherited this fund's American child fund through inherited this British fund. This British Fund has a parent fund that is not a British Fund. I own this British Fund's American child Fund, and I own this British Fund.

*I have to start to use Owner to address myself since the "campaign" currently is trying to say an investor does not mean ownership at all so that taking money from the fund I own does not mean taking my money even that is not business spending at all. I have to address I fully own all my inheritance funds 100% totally, and it is 100% lawful for me to state so. Any spending that is not business spending is unlawfully spending my money.

----Oct. 20th, 2017

Heard about "intend to spend 100" saying cause a lot of confusion.
My response: Do not know who said that and I am the real heir who has no reason to be concerned. Whoever knows the history of this fund knows there is no confusion I am the only one.

I say why anyone need to spend that money at all, even that is appended by the smallest unit like pence, knowing British or United States law enforcement is there to protect lawful money for free of charge including the free 911 phone call or a free FBI or British law enforcement's internet access.

I made my first FBI phone call by walking into a police station when it was so confusing if I own my inherited funds or who I have been as a professional female. With smartphones all over the places, I was called a shameful beggar need to work for my food and only capable to work to collect trash in a restaurant. Radio program's propaganda about my finance or who I am since 2014 were never "a show" only has been my serious complain.

I did comment this on Tina O'Connor's radio propaganda of who should own the fund. I say why she need to do this radio campaign, calling People's Republic of China's government's help at all if that is lawfully her family wealth in United States? How could possibly her family deserve this fund by only worked for 50 years or so but enjoyed agreed-upon-providing for about six generation that totaled about 200 years? I am not complaining and I never complained about that agreed-upon-providing or its size ($200 million a year total, equivalent size in entire 200 years time ), but I do seriously complained about why I deserved to be abused by her because of her own problems? There are some Missy O'Connors like her.

Pejoves family has similar family stories like O'Connors' families, including great grandfather's letter to run a public post, and agreed-upon-providing. The difference is there were two Mr. O'Connors ever worked as head of Legal department for total 50 years or so, never a CEO. There was only one Mr. Pejoves worked as head of Legal department for about 30 -35 yeas or so. I had similar complains about some Missy Pejoves and their associated.

----Oct. 20th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about having money anchor child with me as his power to decide.
My response: Whoever feel so comfortable to say so must be a sick psycho. "Who the fuck do you think you are" is all you want to yell at that person.

I am a U.S. citizen and I am not willing to have such child. United States does have US military to ensure U.S. government's determination to keep United States a lawful country.

Somebody want my money, in millions or in billions, can spend like 100,000 or so in US Dollar or in Chinese RMB to buy an egg to produce an anchor child. If you heard this rumor, can you imagine that can be from a person that is alright in brain department? Where can they get this egg to be so powerful? You heard this morning how some Chinese said he can decide so? I do not have any egg in China.

I have been a U.S. resident for over 21 years already and you have heard that pregnancy children announcement was from a well reputed lab by a well reputed DNA expert, a DNA expert not only great in DNA technology but also respect that who intend to be the parents to produce their own biological child(children) lawfully through DNA technology have to be lawful mutually from both intended father and intended mother.

*There was an episode mentioned a DNA researcher used better eggs to produce his children through his wife's belly. The eggs he used, I assume, were donated for DNA research purpose or his female friend's.

----Oct. 20th, 2017





我就说啊,为什么有人会愿意花钱啊,就算那100后面的单位是中国人民币的分或者是英国的便士,为什么要花啊, 如果是合法拥有的财产,在美国或者在英国报警求助及警方的警力调查保护都是一分钱也不需要花的, 英美911报警电话是免费的,英美警方的网路报警也是免费。


我确实就此对Tina O'Connor为什么需要通过广播来推销谁才应该拥有那家基金做过评论。我说如果那家美国基金是他们家的美国合法财产,她为什么需要通过广播剧来推动所谓的“澄清”,或者是叫来中华人民共和国的政府帮忙?有什么可能在他们家两个爷爷就只是在基金里一共做了50年左右,却是拿了近200年的“同意供给”之后就是应该拥有这个基金?我不是在抱怨,我也没有抱怨过这个"同意供给“或者每年供给的金额(一共2亿美金一年,历史上也一直就是这个规模),但我确实是投诉Tina O'Connor凭什么就因为她自己的问题就是够资格糟践我方敏?还有其他一些O'Connor家的小姐也是和她一样。






我是美国居民都已经超过21年了,你也听到代孕所生的那些小孩是由信誉很好的实验室,信誉很好的DNA专家所宣布的,这个DNA专家不光DNA的技术好,而且尊重法律尊重必须是男女双方的共同意愿: 也就是那些想通过DNA技术来生个亲生孩子的准父母必须按照法律,按照欲做父母的男女双方的共同意愿合法进行。

