
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10-11-2017 I am a 3-Stars US Military General for Real

10-11-2017 I am a 3-Stars US Military General for Real

Heard this morning's confirmation of my valid 3-stars Strategist.
My response: I am thrilled that I am a 3-Stars U.S. Military General.

----Oct. 11th, 2017

Heard saying of impossible not to share my anger after reading my blog articles.
My response: Thanks for sharing my anger. Be alert if you have similar anger in your own life.

From my own experience:
Be alert if you have some anger in your own if that you can not pin exactly what that is.

1: Best is to describe your frustration in writing. A lot of times when you are trying to rationally describe your frustration, you may be able to realize what may be the reason. And do something about it.

2: If necessary, save keeping your writings. In certain situations, your frustration may need serious investigations, and if you are in these kind situations, you will need printout copies of your writings, digital copies of your writings, etc. keep easy-to-carry copies with you even you already sent to FBI to ask for help. Do this till situation start to improve.

If you are confronted by insults without any reasonable reasons, check what may be the cause. For example, you are married mother live with your husband and father of your child(ren) who comes home daily, but you are confronted that you never have a marriage. You need to check:

1: If your husband has a "office building elevator entrance white dress public wedding record" he did not aware of.
The record is a photo taken in a public place with your husband in suits and a lady in white standing next to him smiling. The record was obviously taken in a public place with a lot of "eyewitness" to be understood as public wedding marriage record.

2: If your marriage is an eye-witness marriage, you need to check what happened to eyewitness documents.

3: If your marriage is a city hall registry marriage, you probably need to check if your marriage record being impacted by computer virus, or some joking note posted internally that cause your frustration. In later case,  you may need some help to check out if so.

----Oct. 11th, 2017