
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, October 7, 2017

10-07-2017 Why Chinese government insist on to state me being a fake ? (为什么中国政府坚持要把我说成是个假的?)

10-07-2017 Why Chinese government insist on to state me being a fake ? (为什么中国政府坚持要把我说成是个假的?)

Heard this morning's union movie style radio program production(中文附后).
My response: Ya, I have not figure out when union movie need to have a crying scene. So I have not idea what this morning's story is about.

I said that is the tears from wolves.( I will update once I figured out the above puzzle). I just shit my annoyance now. Why are they crying for? Almost 4 years' since 2014, this shit me all over is for this morning's great moment of announcement? Why those "hard to have this achieved" people need to shed their fake tears? Who are the crying ones? * Heard they are government officials, union movie style, then I will be alright.

For those who are curious will I be able to survive if announcements are real? That is of course since I am being the independent female, not just financially.

----Oct. 7th, 2017

Why Chinese government insist on saying I am fake?
My response: Rumors I heard about are:
1: My inheritances and 20% service fee.
2: My $200 Million donation in 2004.
3*: The rumored y privileged private usage real estate property Lots in good locations that specially rewarded by Chinese government for me being the creator of 2008 Olympic Game Opening.
4*: The rumored reward from Chinese government regarding my contribution in China's development as you heard on the radio.
5: The rumored 1% tax incentive reward.

* rewarded before 2012 of this term Beijing administration。

My understanding of the possible logic:
If I can be announced fake, then my inheritances can be transferred to another name to earn service fee, and my donation can not be considered mine and can be requested to give to other people per "real owner" request.

If I can be announced fake, then my reward should be taken back to reward from Chinese government those who really deserve all.

----Oct. 7th, 2017

Heard 1989 is another major issue between me and this term Beijing Administration.
My response: Beijing Central Government has 1989 meeting record and I did hear the rumor that famous Beijing major's family insist on his portrait's copyright. I thought he was in the meeting during his work hours as Beijing major.

Heard that meeting was 1989 Chinese Steel trading style negotiating. I did not agree to pay to let Beijing Central government to govern students marching on the street. I did not agree to anything at all because I had no idea that was some negotiation requested to government officials and student movement-ers by someone who is neither government official nor student movement-ers.

Other than my security tape only have my "solo voice" instead of vivid meeting site recording, or harder to say I am fake if broadcast, I do not know why radio program do not produce this part of my life story.

* That negotiating somebody is just like "supermarket parking lot volunteer helper" who jump out from nowhere to help and to demand for helping fee. The same motive as well.

----Oct. 7th, 2017

我的回应: 好像是,但我还没弄清在工会电影里什么时候会需要一场哭戏来表达什么。所以我不是太清楚今天早上的故事讲的是什么。*工会电影是很有名的固定格式套路表演风格。












