
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, October 2, 2017

10-02-2017 JP Morgan Chase and Janus Mutual Fund

10-02-2017 JP Morgan Chase and Janus Mutual Fund

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a experienced web application programmer Julie Wong.
My response: Julie Wong was the developer I worked with when I was a QA contractor in JP Morgan Chase.

Heard the anger of felt being played from her "if I knew she was a fake" argument, 
My response: who wouldn't, but I am no fake. I am the person what I was introduced in JP Morgan Chase.

Heard the doubts still in Julie that why I did not intend to prove I am indeed good by advising them on developing when they have issues.
My response: Entire time my given explanation was "This is the line no Quality Assurance personnel would across. I came from pharmaceutical industry where QA standards are laws, I knew this too well".

Let me explain this more: The Quality personnel's job is to inspect on developer's work, not performance but production quality, similar to auditor's role to accountant in finance management.

I worked for FDA equivalent in China in pharmaceutical industry that represent government supervision on industry's quality inspection. There had been too many confrontations I eye-witnessed when a fine was about to given. I learned this is the line never to cross.

My QA job is to improve software quality, I proved myself in JP Morgan Chase by being able to point out issues concerned software performance or customers financial security.

----Oct. 2nd, 2017

What could possibly happen if I advised developers when they have issues?
My response: I and the entire QA team can not give an answer when facing confrontations in a walk through meeting regarding the quality issue because the developers already did what I advised, why QA team need to criticize developers' work at all knowing it was pre-approved by QA already?

The common arguments a QA personnel would hear from developers in Quality issues walk through meeting if the QA indeed advised developers, all out of real angers:

"Why you say this is an issue now, it is you told me that do it this way would avoid issues?"

"Why you tell me this is an issue now after you OKed  my idea 1 month ago? Why you tell us this is not OK now after we input so many work hours?

"We did exactly what you told us to do, why you are trying to tell everyone we are the ones screw things up now, not yourself??"

----Oct. 2nd, 2017

Heard Janus Mutual Fund also had a CEO dragged out story.
My response: I heard it was in July of 2010, in two weeks' time I happily announced I have my children born in Boston Common.

Heard it was over 100 people in  uniform with same color like police's uniform. Heard the person answered CEO's request to call police also called a given number instead of 911. Heard CEO was halfway being dragged, halfway being escorted out onto the street.

Obviously I am being the investor was not impacted by this horrible story. This is the investment from my beauty grandmother and her husband's (my grandfather Li, Longji 李隆基) entrust I inherited.

Heard this victim CEO is currently the CEO to the fund I call Lion King Fund, the same fund that publicly know as O'Connors' confusion. I am speculating that he was a victim maybe because his last name means huge impact to the children I happily announced.

----Oct. 2nd, 2017