
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, October 30, 2017

10-30-2017 Is Agreed-upon-Providing Fair? And How BioGate made you rich while Idle sitting in Janus Associates?

10-30-2017 Is Agreed-upon-Providing Fair? And How BioGate made you rich while Idle sitting in Janus Associates?

Heard saying I confused everyone if I own a Fund in this morning's broadcasting.
My response: I was just trying not to claim every French Fund that is 500 years old.

The one that is my inheritance Fund also has a grandfather's letter story.

----Oct. 30th, 2017

Heard saying about "Agreed-upon-Providing" is so unfair to everyone who had worked for the Funds as staff historically.
My response: Being the beneficiary, I appreciate everyone's contribution to every single one of my inheritance Funds.

The agreed-upon-providing was reached when Mr. This or Mr. That was asked to run for a no-pay public post. Being these foreigners' entrusts beneficiary, I do think it was great decision to contribute this way to the countries this fund had been investing by supporting those great Misters to serve the countries, and it has been very decent scale of financial providing considering those Misters do have families to support. Currently, for example, there is about 150-200 house holds of O'Connors for agreed-upon total of $200 Millions yearly providing, this has been the similar scale historically for every agree-upon-providing.

Currently this agree-upon-providing are in process of stopping since those public posts are paid jobs now, and the financial impacts of this stopping is the major reason of those anxieties publicly expressed by some. To be honest, I am on the verge to say I can't take it anymore.

----Oct. 30th, 2017

Heard about how could it possible that I have made a lot of money from BioGate while BioGate is still sitting in Janus Associates?
My response: I heard this rumor for sometime already. I explain here what I heard about it.

Janus Associates has been a great grand child level investment of one of my inheritance Fund was the reason I, rumored, got the job into Janus Associates much easier. I also heard Janus Associates has been entirely owned by Fisher family when I was an employee there. So I do not know anything beyond what I heard.

I am the first person that achieved BioGate's Login Replacement technology as well as first person achieved CDSA working version related technology were the reasons that I earned much bigger intellectual patent fees or similar than Bryan Cockrell who, by rumor, is not the first person achieved BioAPI working version related technology. The hugely contributed on my share in BioGate deal.

BioGate's Login replacement component was not what was broadcasted. The broadcasted was its CDSA Secure Data Transport component.

Definition - What does Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) mean?

Common data security architecture (CDSA) is a set of security services and frameworks that allow the creation of a secure infrastructure for client/server applications and services. It is a secure application development framework that equips applications with security capabilities for delivering secure Web and e-commerce applications.

Techopedia explains Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA)

CDSA is primarily a middleware framework that provides a set of APIs for creating and delivering secure applications. It allows application developers to easily add a set of different security features and services that have been prewritten and designed for client/server-based applications. CDSA provides the following features:
  • Cryptography and encryption
  • Certificate creation and management
  • Policy management
  • Authentication and non-repudiation
  • Public key infrastructure
It was initially designed by Intel Architecture Labs for Linux but now also supports the Windows platform.
(Retrieved on Oct. 30th, 2017 from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/10244/common-data-security-architecture-cdsa )

----Oct. 30th, 2017