
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

10-10-2017 Japanese Military In World War II and U.S. Military In Vietnam War (二次大战中的日本军队和越南战争中的美国军队)

10-10-2017 Japanese Military In World War II and U.S. Military In Vietnam War (二次大战中的日本军队和越南战争中的美国军队)

Head this morning's confrontation about my 3-Stars Strategist title(中文附后).
My response: I was recruited as a U.S. Military 3-Stars Strategist because my understanding of Japanese Military outstanding performance in World War II and U.S. Military's mistake in Vietnam War. The interview was conducted at the spot of the January of 2004 meeting.
----Oct. 10th, 2017

Why Japanese Military, in my understanding, better performed than the commonly acknowledged best performed German Military in World War II?
My response: Japanese Military's "United We Face It" is the reason that there is no reserved resources or discounted carried out orders to comprise Japanese Military Strategists plans.

German Military famous for their swift actions benefited by their obviously advanced firearms and equipment.

I once read in an article that Japan went into World War II was not from Japanese Military's ambition, and Japanese Military went in because of their Generals' unsuccessful efforts to convince Japanese Government not to. In that article, it mentioned that because of that debate of not going to the war, Japanese Military was in the situation need to prove if they had been decent military stands for Japan's proud, or all its personnel should just to commit suicide to finish in shame. That is the reason that Japanese Military had this never-before "United We Face It". (*Note: To be more "appropriate",  it was not "(Japanese Military )their Generals' failure to convince Japanese Government not to." per say, it was martial arts had not include verbal talent yet and military personnel had not had appropriate "debate" verbal training yet back then. It is corrected from "their Generals' failure" to "their Generals' unsuccessful efforts"  ----updated on Oct. 17th, 2017)

I used several examples in January of 2004's conference:
1: Pearl Harbor. There were 3000 pilots did not divert their flights during their long trip from Japan to Pearl Harbor, not a single one diverted when they were not under valid supervision. War planes only had enough gasoline equipped to save engine power to support the long distance flight and that was the reason remaining gasoline together with the war planes were the attacking "bombs".

2: Pearl Harbor attacker pilots from Japan Air Force carried out this order was to let Japan Navy be the power in the Sea. This order was carried out without any reservedness.

Europe was in war already that British Navy or French Navy were busy of their own fights against German and Italy, Pearl Harbor attack compromised U.S. Navy force to a large degree.

Without by-passing Europe, U.S could not participate any actions against Japanese Military.

Japan was announced Alley with Germany and Italy before Pearl Harbor attack by its diplomats efforts.

3: Tons of fought in Japanese wars in Asia that Japanese Military carried out when its Navy needed to pave ways for its Army, its Air Force needed to strike to let its Navy to survive, and Japanese Army just conquer its obstacles with full forces. All these fought were carried without with all it took.

4: It had been a nightmare in Asia in World War II time, with almost entire Asia fought against Japanese Military, the small personnel numbered Japanese Military fought like this everywhere they were ordered to fight.

5: Without Nucleus bomb, Japan Military still got what it takes to continue its fights for an imaginably long enough time.

----Oct. 10th, 2017

U.S military had been in wars outside U.S several times, why Vietnam war was its pain?
My response: I am martial art fan and this had been a question since I read General McArthur's autobiography.

General McArthur was the commander of Korean War. U.S military's role in this war was similar with its role in Vietnam war, to help its Southern government to fight against its Northern Communist government. Why U.S. military was enemy like to almost every Vietnamese whenever Vietnam war was mentioned while Korean's Southern government was understood as Korean's Northerners fought against whenever Korean war was discussed.

In that book, it says General McArthur always took military actions together with Korean Southern Military which sometimes comprised results.

My puzzle about Vietnam on this was answered in January of 2004's conference that there were some reasons that U.S military often had to take actions alone in Vietnam.

I said "This was possibly the reason all these actions by U.S military alone were understood as invasion."

I said if you look into China's WWII history of its Japanese-Chinese War, you would get it that not just people in Vietnam Northern Military's uniform but every single Vietnamese would fight against U.S.military if understood as invasion. U.S. military did not get this was the reason cause U.S. military in big trouble in Vietnam.

----Oct. 10th, 2017

Heard this morning's confronts of "I had worked since 1984."
My response: What that means? Is that female a strategist or a computer programmer? I heard she is a English speaking diplomat.

I was not graduated from a Military college, I was recruited a 3-Stars U. S. Military strategist because of my understanding of Japanese Military's outstanding performance in World War II. I am the first one convinced world wide Military strategists to research on Japanese Military's performance in World War II. I am the first person to say that taking action alone caused confusion of invasion was the reason of U.S military's troubles in Vietnam wars.

Why "worked since 1984" is enough for her to confront to say if I knew Martial Arts Strategy? In China, everyone can speak Chinese but there is still college education needed to have a Chinese speaking computer programmer or a Chinese speaking martial art strategist. English speaking or Chinese speaking alone is not enough to evaluate computer knowledge or martial art strategy.

I had this nightmare like freaking out experience when I was confronted by English major college gradates that BioGate was impossibly my work. I did BioGate project in Janus Associates' office with everyone fully aware of my progress and my frustrations during the process. I am the first person done Microsoft Window's Login replacement that way in entire world. If I was not the person, then who?

There were nothing other than "BioGate was just not yours, so shut up" in English, I could not imagine what cause the statement and no further clue for me to find out what cause the confusion. This "Shut up, Shut up" only by fluent English speaking only ESL group made me can do nothing but screamed.

*ESL: Language as Second Language.

----Oct. 10th, 2017

Heard the fought between a Mrs. Rockefeller and me in July 1st of 2004 conference caused a lot of confusion.
My response: The fought was because that Mrs. Rockefeller was a micro chip producer company's administrative personnel. Her objection was toward not-stable-enough micro hardware could not be rushed to go market. I raised my voice, together with the other two computer person, when she did not get what we mean by "we work with you".

It means: We are the computer person who use those micro-hardware, we are the signal-catchers of those micro-hardware as its consumer users, we certainly can help to stable those micro-hardware by telling the producing company she works for that where we having problems as signal-catchers to help her company to find out why it was not stable.

----Oct. 10th, 2017




我曾经读过一篇文章谈到日本进入第二次世界大战不是出于日本军队的鹰派主站雄心,而是因为日本军队的将领们没能成功的向日本政府说明日本不需要打仗。那篇文章里提到了就是因为这些辩论,日本军队面临的局面是他们要么证明日本军人是日本的骄傲,要么干脆自杀谢罪算了。这是造成日本军界空前跨军种的“联合起来我们一起面对”。(*注释:准确点说吧,不是什么“日本军队的将领们没能成功的向日本政府说明日本不需要打仗”, 而是军事才华在当时还没有包括语言类才华,当时的军人们都还没有接受过恰当的“辩论”用的语言训练。

1:珍珠港. 3000个飞行员没有一个是在从日本到夏威夷珍珠港的漫长飞行中途改变航向的,就没有一个是在没有有效监督的情况下改变航向的。战机只载有足够汽油以节省马达运力已完成长距离飞行,所以就是用所剩的汽油和战机作为攻击用的“炸弹的”。

2: 攻击珍珠港的飞行员是日本空军的空军飞行员,执行此项作战计划就是为了让日本的海军可以称霸海上。他们执行此计划完全没有任何保留。




3:日本在亚洲战场上的很多战争,日本军队都是如此执行作战计划, 日本海军苦战就是为了给日本陆军开道,日本空军不惜一切就是为了让日本海军可以保存实力,而日本的陆军更是勇往直前,无惧面对一切。所有这些战役都是不惜一切以达到作战目的。


5: 如果不是核弹,日本军队还有实力继续打仗而且是可以打上相当一段时间,这还一点都不难想像。












当我被英语专业毕业的那些人质疑电脑软件Bio Gate 根本不是我做的时候,就是这种噩梦般吓死人的经历。我做这个Bio Gate软件是在Janus Associates这个公司的办公室里完成的,那儿的每个人都是亲眼看见我的每一步成就以及我的每一个纠结。我是整个世界上第一个把微软公司的视窗登陆系统给彻底换掉的,说这软件不是我做的,那能是谁做的?

除了用英语说的”Bio Gate不是你的,闭嘴“就再也没有其他了,没有任何线索究竟什么原因造成了困扰。就是这些就只是会说ESL英语而已的人,也就只有一句一句用英语说的”闭嘴,闭嘴“再无其他内容的挑衅,让我除了尖叫怒吼还是尖叫怒吼。

*ESL: 英语是第二语言(外语).



