
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, October 28, 2017

10-28-2017 Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education(宁波方家和中国的高等教育)

10-28-2017 Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education(宁波方家和中国的高等教育)

Heard this morning's a female CEO has not been dragged out.
My response: She is the CEO of the Chicago Foundation invested by the Fund that caused some O'Connors confusion, or invested by another of my inheritance Fund. Too bad, she is not the Fund's CEO being dragged out in that Fund's story,heard she is the CEO of a Chicago Foundation that has been supported by that Fund's.

This is how this radio program produced 2015-2016's radio program. This is the same producing team's effort.

That is the reason I have this serious confusion how many Funds O'Connors are so confused of now. Tina O'Connor (Or Helena O'Connor) has a father who once represented three of my grandfathers entrusts, two of them have Foundations in Chicago.

* The confusion comes from the Chinese translation of Fund and Foundation.

----Oct. 28th, 2017

Heard this morning's argument about Ningbo Fang's House".(中文附后)
My response: Ningbo Fang's House was confirmed, by Taiwan government on the radio,  lead by Zhiren Fang, his grandfather and father, and Wenhai Fang is the heir son of Zhiren Fang, and this generation is head by the daughter from Wenhai Fang.

 I am the only daughter of my lawfully married birth parents Wenhai Fang and Boxian Wang. I am the one and only granddaughter of Zhiren Fang.

The conclusion: I, Min Fang, is the Head Missy of Ningbo Fang's House that proudly support China's College Education.

I am the Missy Fang Ingonyama as well. I inherited Ingonyama title from my birth grandfather Mufasa (唐穆宗)

----Oct. 28th, 2017

Heard the confusion how exactly Ningbo Fang's house supported China' College Education.
My response: Through donation to Central government of Republic of China in early 1900 time or so to fund its Central College Education system, as confirmed you heard on the radio by Taiwan government.

----Oct. 28th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting about my complain of "reality shows faking efforts."
My response: It was said this was the strategy of World War II. And, I heard some are very proud they can do this to make real me a fake through and through.

My complain is they have no intention to stop at presentation only.

My complains are that they have taken my money and actually spent it, and they abused me without intention to stop, and they did tear pages from my inheritance Fund's accounting books to claim the fund's ownership.

I did call law enforcement's help regarding all these.

----Oct. 28th, 2017

Heard my screams Chinese government have been shared by a lot.
My response: I, Min Fang, am the one and only lawful owner of all my inheritance funds that I inherited on June 30th of 2004 according to my birth grandfathers wills, this is no confusion at all.

Those Funds I inherited on June 30th of 2004 had all been entrusts and currently is entrusted by myself.

Some big names that have represented my inheritance Funds have not worked for myself or those who share some birth grandfathers with me. Those entrust funds have never been old style family operating business.

I have no intention to merge my inheritance funds, and I have no intention to take on the responsibility of operating anyone of them myself. I have no intention to make any of my inheritance funds a family operating business.

----Oct. 28th, 2017.



这也是我真是很好奇O’Connor家究竟对多少家金融基金很困扰啊?Tina O'Connor的父亲曾经是我三个爷爷三个信托的代理律师。其中有两个在芝加哥有这种慈善文化基金会。








我的回应:通过在1900年代早期捐款给中华民国的中央政府支持其兴办了中华民国时期的中央大学教育系统, 就像你在广播上听到的被台湾政府所证实的。









