
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10-25-2017 The Fund that O'Connors argued about is My Private Wealth Lawfully Owned(O'Connor家在争执的这个基金是我合法拥有的私人财产)

10-25-2017 The Fund that O'Connors argued about is My Private Wealth Lawfully Owned(O'Connor家在争执的这个基金是我合法拥有的私人财产)

Heard this morning's argument about contributions to U.S.(中文附后)
My response: I am a U.S.citizen, I am not the United States.

The fund caused O'Connors families' confusion is my money because it was set up by my grandfather's entrust I inherited lawfully according to his will.

O'Connors contribution to the great United States should be recognized by United States, the great lawful country protect my private wealth as a U.S. citizen's lawfully owned.

Any contribution reward recognition should be directed to Congress Hill, White House, Federal Treasure Department and Federal Bank of the United States. It is inappropriate to belittle the contributors contributions' National Greatness to individual citizen's privately owned wealth.

O'Connors contributions to the Fund that I inherited, the one they are confused because of their grandfather's letter, had been recognized by the Fund appropriately and historically, reflected by incentives paid on time for each deal O'Connors helped to reach and $200 Million per year sized agreed-upon-providing provided for six generations after two generations Attorney O'Connors' total 55 or 65 years working time for the funds as General Counselor.

Further reward of entire size or partial size of the Fund regarding O'Connors families contribution to the Fund is inappropriate. This inappropriateness is the reason that caused mention of corruptions, money laundries and criminal activities on the radio. I did call law enforcement's help regarding some similar rumors I heard.

----Oct. 25th, 2017

**Heard the saying of 1775's speech of independence. 
My response: The fund's 400-500 staffed between 1774-1776 and it was under a CEO's leadership entire time since it was setup in 1545 or so. Attorney O'Connor was General Counsel who was responsible for Fund's legal matter only before he quit the job to be a Senator.

This Fund has been a British Fund's Child Fund since it setup.

The British investments have been respected as lawfully owned British investments after America announced its independence from Britain.

----Oct. 25th, 2017

Heard this morning's money "illegally entrusted abroad".
My response: The Fund caused O'Connors families confusion was set up by my grandfather's entrust entrusted 600-800 years ago.

That was either Chinese Yuan Dynasty time or Chinese Ming dynasty time. There is no such historical records of such "forbidden entrusting abroad" documents is possibly the reason you heard "You (heard it referred a Ming dynasty's Emperors'(Zu's family) possible offspring) just lie like this".

This "lie like this" has been my complain regarding this administration of People's Republic of China.  They state lies about me in a matter of fact tone as if nobody would ever check any evidences or facts, or as if there is no such evidences or facts at all. It is as if whatever they like to say should be the statement and that should be it. What is their problem?

By the way, this offspring is the person that, by rumor, whose great-great-great grandfather was denounced by the family inheritance rule. The rumor is: The father of his great-great-great grandfather changed family inheritance rule from first born son to first born when there were two daughters and one son (youngest). The son did not get family wealth inheritance the same like the heir title.

----Oct. 25th, 2017

Heard arguments this morning about why I can be a 3-Stars General in U.S. Military without years.
My response: I was recruited a 3-Stars General Strategist because of my understanding of WWII.

I know this is how researchers or technology personnel recruited into U.S. Military.

Heard Strategist is a combat officer position, I assume that is maybe the reason I was impressively having commanding power in 2004's meeting, other than I was identified by psychologists ( since teenage time) that I have the nature of a leader in my personality.

----Oct. 25th, 2017

Heard the strange competition from China about who I am.
My response: That is ridiculous has been my complain all these time.

I have been shitted by Chinese government officials wives because they are the real winner wives whose husband includes those I never even met or heard of. And this jealousy expressions is hatred intensive across half of the earth to United States while their husbands are right next to them in Beijing,China entire time in the past 20 years. * I left China in 1996, which is 21 years ago.

Heard in China, the jealousy toward People's Republic of China's Chairman Mao (Zedong Mao) and his first wife Yang (Kaihui Yang) has been phenomenal in the past 10 years. Chairman Mao passed away in 1976, his first wife Yang died in 1930.

This hatred jealous against me is over half of the planet earth geographically, the enormous jealous against Chairman Mao and his first wife Yang is over almost a century time-space-ly. Is there anyone can get what this is?

I am a individual person who only have securities but not military. Why I am the target of Chinese Military as if I am the United States? And according to the rumors I heard, this "war" is targeted against me not the United States. This is the reason why "murder for money attempt" was mentioned.

The Fund that caused O'Connors families confusion, you must have heard how Chinese government insist on to have a saying of who owns it? That Fund was setup about 400 years ago in America, which was 200 years before United States was established (in 1774) and over 300 years before People's Republic of China was established (in 1949). It was another 200-400 years in earliness of time when money left China. Why People's Republic of China's government just insist on having some sayings over this Fund's ownership?

I am a U.S. citizen, O'Connors are all U.S. citizens and the Fund is an American Fund, why People's Republic of China's government has to be the voice in ownership? According People's Republic of China's Inheritance Laws and People's Republic of China's entrusting Laws, the understanding should be the same as United States that the Fund is my lawfully owned fully.

I just do not get what is wrong with this administration of People's Republic of China's?

----Oct. 25th, 2017





O'Connor家对我所继承的基金(也就是他们因为一封爷爷的信而很困扰的那个基金)的贡献,历史上就已经被该基金很恰当的予以认可, 这份认可就是通过对于每笔他们帮助实现的交易当时立即付清相关的销售提成,以及在他们父子两代一共只做了55-65年的公司法律总顾问后“同意供给”了六代O'Connor后裔每年2亿美金的给付。























