
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

11-13-2018 Who should I appreciate after graduation? (和同班同届的矛盾是什么?)

11-13-2018 Who should I appreciate after graduation? (和同班同届的矛盾是什么?)

There has been a lot of anger regarding my "bad attitude" towards those graduated from the same schools. And I have my anger as well, they are alumni from the same school is a true statement, but they are not my personal friends is also a true statement as well. I should and I do appreciate the school I received education from, but why should I appreciate those individual alumni I never even heard of?

A lot of complaints is about me being somebody if having big investments, I should arrange some job opportunities for the same school alumni, it is very common everywhere. This is true and I have no problem with it, but I think my appreciation should be towards the school I graduated from, not any individual alumni I never even heard.

The huge problem I have with some Chinese graduated from the Bridgeport University is similar. A lot stronger anger from them because we had graduated several years already in 2004 when they heard that I have some resources as a way to put it decently because they never believed I could have any inheriting. I had a huge problem with this anger of "deserved to have a job donated to work for" from this group and an even bigger problem with those same-shool-graduated from China whose anger is "deserved to get paychecks or equivalent for just being the same school graduated".

I had five years of programming work experience already in 2004, that I knew it was impossible for those who had graduated for several years without engineering work experience to compete with newly graduated. On July 1st of 2004, I was talking about the software industry started to have a new trend to pay attention to quality assurance which was my first profession. I heard that after I found my job of quality assurance in July of 2004, a lot of this group of Bridgeport University graduated Chinese had all heard that it would be a great job market if they could check out information about software(application) quality assurance jobs. I heard the huge complaints and anger after 2004-2005 has been they don't know where and how to find such jobs which pissed me off enormously.

Some said other communities' alumni have another issue with me which is why I don't like to mention it was the University of Bridgeport I graduated from. My frustration has been why I need to mention? The entire time, it has been on my resume whenever I am presenting everything I am good at in Computer Science.

The same is the Shanghai Medical University, which I have mentioned I a lot more because my class of pharmacology major had the privilege to share the entire set of the Basic Medical System courses with the medicine major, which means I learned how to diagnose and treat a lot of common diseases from this education, but short of rich clinic experiences if compare to a practicing family doctor.

Similar anger from those graduated from the same high school or junior high school in Nanjing:

Since my college graduation in 1990:
1: Why you don't like to mention the Shanghai Medical University you graduated from, is it because you had been pretty shabby there? (My frustration: Why would I talk to you about people and things you never heard of?)

2: How could it possible that you don't fancy guys from the same high school? (My frustration: Haven't you ever met anyone else from some places else?)

Since my inheriting in 2004:
1: Why is it wrong to spend some of "your" money? We know you got nothing to do with those rich men already. We have Nanjing Automobile Group Co., Ltd (南汽) locally in Nanjing. (My frustration: I never thought local American could possibly know so much less about local American riches than Nanjingese in China? )

2: How come you forgot we graduated from the same (junior) high school? (My frustration: Other than "What do you mean?", what else can I put in words?)

----Nov 13th, 2018