
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

11-21-2018 What are they challenging when knowing money ownership is according to Laws?

11-21-2018 What are they challenging when knowing money ownership is according to Laws?

Heard of this morning's broadcasting about schools, I agree that other than most handsome tuition gift, enrolling to a college education program and a graduate education program is not the subject can be demanded as a token of the proven true romance favoritism.

----November 21st, 2018

Talking about my horrible experiences from those graduated each of same schools I went, I just don't get what privilege them to demand my money? I said money ownership by law which certainly means any money I can possess should be lawfully my money, how can they just disagree with laws to transfer money without a Judge's ruling? They say they are not even eligible to go to any court, either because of certainly not the beneficiary person to any Trust I inherited, or because of not even biologically associated with the settler of each Trust I inherited, then, on what ground, and how can they disagree with the laws about money lawful ownership, the United States laws or the People's Republic of China's laws?

Because holiday seasons are coming, recent broadcasting has been all about how some organized presentations of determination to block or to transfer any money out if I am the recipient of the money, just because of the disagreeing attitude, they either use computer technology to devoid signing person's signature of any money transfer request, or to forge a signature to take out money without authorization, even if that is the money from government agency's Treasury accounts, such as SSI or an equivalent. No wonder I heard all these broadcasting of angry responses from agency's officials: "My signature cannot be altered", "My signature cannot be devoided", etc. Exactly, who are these people challenging when knowing what they disagree is the United States laws?

Why would I help those who intend (intended) to make a victim of public abusiveness?

I refuse any financial demands requested to me in this morning's broadcasting.

----November 21st, 2018


我相信很多人和我一样,也很喜欢念书。我自己没有过但我能想象我会有朋友们是眼睛里会含着泪水说:就只想重回学校到国外念书。我的态度,真是朋友也就真是不用多说,自己准备好申请学校的材料,需要经济担保时(一般应该是在符合录取条件之后), 告诉我你想去的那个国家的学校的付费账号就可以了,如果生活上也有担心,也是告诉我就得,我也是会如实告知我能帮你多少。虽然我现在不清楚我什么时候可以拿到生活费用给付,但我建议别等,按照你们自己的条件能力先做起来,我一旦收到就会公布,你们也就是不用再苦哈哈的了。



有人说不管什么原因不管处境多难,我都不应该痛骂中国仇恨中国。我的回答是:请你先分清在你自己心目中,中国960万平方公里的领土是一个十三亿中国人民的共和国,还是你已经认可那960万平方公里土地其实已经是一些个别领导人事实上的共妻婚姻所赋予他们的共妻婚姻家庭的私有领土之后,再说清你的看法。我对中国一些国家领导人的痛骂,是非常明确的指名道姓公开痛骂,痛骂原因更是举世共知的非常明确毫不含糊,你为何会认为那是对中华人民共和国的仇恨?你为何会认为那是对中国十三亿人民的不耻?你为何会认为那是对中华民族的否定?----November 20th, 2018
