
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

11-20-2018 What same high school graduated means? Why some are in trouble? What trouble? (同一个高中毕业的对我意味着什么?)

11-20-2018 What same high school graduated means? Why some are in trouble? What trouble? (同一个高中毕业的对我意味着什么?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about Treasury. I heard one is the same year same class graduated from the same high school, the other one is the younger generation from the same high school graduated. I heard the reason is they disagree this or that money should be considered my possible money is the reason they are in the trouble.

How could they possibly be in trouble just because they disagree I should be the one have some inherited money? Oh, I heard it is because they took actions to transfer the money out of the money's lawfully registered account owners' reach if they ever consider that maybe my possible money.
( Money Ownership by Laws, no need for special asking around who is the real owner. The lawfully registered account owner is the real lawful owner of the money in the account. 财产所有权由法律决定,不需到处询问谁才是财产的真正主人。合法登记的账户主人就是账户里财产的真正合法主人。----Nov. 19th, 2018 )

How about the graduate education story? I heard that is the husband to another same class same year graduated from the same high school person. The husband works for the agency location that I have huge complaints about the haughty attitudes beyond the gratitudes a commoner would expect from government employees, plus shared hostility against who I am but not romance related. This was since early 2015, not before. The wife works for another agency that I have complained as well, but I never send inquiries to her job-related offices or the in trouble same class one's husband's related offices, but only to her agency's legal office so that my complaints only related to the frustrations regarding where is the money that should have paid-out already to cover my living expenses.

I have been in freezing coldness since early 2015 because "Who the fxxx you think you are, we are all graduated from these same high school as well." In Boston, there are over 10 already for the same class or the same year, which not include their families nor those "just not the same year".

Just because they came from the same high school, they just have this attitude that they should make their desired decisions about my any possible money, but myself should just be a beggar compare to who they are. How could I possibly not in freezing coldness? I am not even allowed to receive government agency's food help, not allowed to request housing transfer, all because they came from the same high school I graduated over 30 years ago? I heard some of them are in positions to "do not allow". I heard about them only a couple of months ago, I have to say I am so lucky I am in the lawful United States. I just need to express myself as "who the fxxx they think they are" is my forever attitude towards them as well, and it is the same that they should never expect me to help out their troubles as well.

If you are known to your associated as alumni from this high school, but you are not aware that I am considered "this school's enemy deserved to be prosecuted by all alumni", please check if you are already a similar victim as well because alumni's participation is too high. Nothing particular happened in my high school years, my experiences in Boston are too abnormal, possibly under investigation. (如果你周围的人都知道你也是南师大附中毕业的,但你本人没听说我都已经是”这个学校的公敌而应该被所有校友所惩罚”之类的,请查一下你自己是否也已经是类似迫害事件的受害者,南师大附中毕业校友的参与程度高的实在是很吓人,我的高中三年没什么特别的事情,我在波城实在太某明奇妙的遭遇可能已在警方调查当中。)

Also, if in need to contact law enforcement, contact other city's law enforcement. Locals can be very complicated or even a hostile community situation if already being a victim without knowing what happened. Best is through the online web page. Law enforcement professionals know how to handle such concerns. (还有,如果需要报警,最好是异地报警。当地人事关系可能很复杂甚至有可能都已经形成了纠帮成伙的敌意势力,特别是你自己什么都还不知道就已经损失惨重的情况。最好就是网上报警,警方专业人员很清楚应该如何处理这种担心。我的情况,我是在美国波士顿耶,毕业都已经三十多年了,一点联系都没有就某明奇妙被盯上了,看看有可能牵涉的,南京师范大学,南师大附中(高中,初中),南师大附小,南师大附属幼儿院,毕业的,转了学的,及其他们的家属)

听说有人抱怨说我这是在落井下石,为什么呀?就只是从同一所中学高中毕业的而已,还是三十几年前的1985年就已经高中毕业了,毕业后还是一点联系都没有,或者还不是同班甚至不是同届,我方敏也就是这一两个月才听说有他们这批人在我周围存在。他们对我方敏的态度居然是“就是不认可我方敏应该会有钱应该会有成就"。只要有可能是我方敏的钱,不管钱究竟放在谁的名字下面,他们就是敢直接拿走花掉。他们 就是乐意鄙视我方敏,就是乐意一定要让他们所有的美国同事都知道他们特别清楚我方敏就只是个讨饭的,怎么我方敏直说他们做了如此这些,才会有他们今天的麻烦,就成了我方敏对他们落井下石了?我方敏对他们的态度对他们的回答永远就是“你XX的又算老几?”我就是乐意接受美国法律的保护,我就是乐意看到美国是个法治国家,我方敏对他们所有的一切麻烦都永远不会同情永远不会伸手帮忙更永远不会提供任何协助。

----November 20th, 2018


----November 20th, 2018