
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

11-04-2018 The reasons why I am in such a financial poverty situation

11-04-2018  The reasons why I am in such a financial poverty situation

Attorneys: Where my Trusts are registered is very important to say I have inherited money.

Not when my Trust paying out as decided and on time. It is purely private legal matter when I can receive my providing as expected. Plus. I already contacted law enforcement when I thought I inherited some companies in 2004 but Os insisted on to claim theirs. I can't receive all these paid-out is the reason for my current financial situation.

----November 4th, 2018

Law enforcement personnel who are not on the case: Your Trusts have been registered owned by the U.S. Convoy since 1965 is the reason that those paid-outs should not be your money.

It is rumored all my Trusts have been registered to be owned by the "U.S. Convoy" which is the United States since 1965, which means all these paid-out since 2004 can't be my money. I heard it is explained already that "U.S. Convoy" is the U.S. Treasury Department and these Trust-Registry are also in the same U.S. Treasury Department. Well, if the Trust-Registry is explained has been in the U.S Treasury Department since 1965, it is obviously explaining that is not valid Trust-Registry. Trust-Registry should be Justice Department's registration record.

Also, Trust-Registry is unduplicatable which is similar to the commercial company's ownership registry, this means it is impossible to have two registries regarding one Trust, if the registry information has the same name, same settler, same year but different beneficiary person registry for a Trust, there must have some confusion about if two registry is about the same Trust.

----November 4th, 2018

Some husbands: "If you want to be my friend, you have to let my wife be spoiled as she prefers" which means taking over my money.

Well, I was never asked me if I wish to be such a friend, I gave my answer here:
I refuse to be such a friend to any husband.

Exactly, why I need to be a friend to such husbands? Some said it is for the convenience to have a sexual relationship when he is already having the preferred romance choice he calls his wife, but I have very hard time to understand how the Senior-aged husband could possibly be assumed my preferred sex choice when there is obviously no compensation for the husband's senior age but only big financial loss to me because of his willingness to spoil his wife? Exactly, why would I need a senior sex partner to worry if he would get a heart attack in every single second during his only quickie-capable participation? *rumored it is loudly announced on the radio "not even quickie-capable".

Let's excluding this sex partner illusion to evaluate the necessity to be such a friend to such husbands, why I need to be such a friend to such a husband who is determined to spoil his wife's determination to take over my money as the friendship condition? The answer is I have no reason at all.

So, I say loudly that I refuse to be such a friend to any such husbands.

----November 4th, 2018