
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

11-24-2018 Ridiculous confusions and "the same high school" (某明奇妙的困扰及“同一所高中的”)

11-24-2018 Ridiculous confusions and "the same high school" (某明奇妙的困扰及“同一所高中的”)

A note:
I heard there is some confusion regarding who received that reallocated money from my reward's original size, I assume it was added to the total amount of the entire pre-marketing team's reward to be distributed according to pre-marketing team's own internal evaluation.  This is the reason I said I reject any suggestion nor support to further re-allocate my reward if there is any confusion still existing in either research team or pre-marketing team.

I am truly very happy that I am rewarded by Viagra. I was famously almost cried publicly in 2004 because I thought "I finally got it" would mean absolutely nothing.

----Nov 24th, 2018

老爸爸:看到我现在的文风和以前不同,这只是因为记录了这一场财产保卫战对我的影响。我会好的,别担心。很惨的是, 没能让人听到roaring(狮吼),就只让人听到howling(狼嚎)。

最难的时候,打动我心的就是这首诗“I am an Artist (我是艺术家)”, 我当时是在一家咖啡店里,哭的停不下来(没嚎啕)。看一下写的是不是我,我觉得每一个字都是在写我,都是在告诉我有人懂这就是我,我自己翻译的。还有, Ingonyama(狮子王), Sapphire 是两个爷爷赏赐给我的头衔,General 就是我自己挣得了。
方家小姐做翻译 (Missy Translator)

----Nov 24th, 2018

Heard about this morning's broadcasting.

1: From Chinese in general: My wealth was originally carried out from China, so it should be Chinese money.
My answer: The same is every penny in your own wallet, which is(was) also originally carried out from China, how come you haven't beg for food even on your trip abroad? If you know for certain every penny lawfully in your own wallet is your lawful private money, you should know for certain as well that my lawful wealth is my lawful private money.

2: From biologically associated: That is originated from a grandfather's money.
My answer: If that is your grandfather, you should know it is not your money which is from his own signature. You are not born yet at that grandfather's death which already means you don't even have a name for that grandfather to give you a penny, your line's senior from that grandfather's own seed already had received the deserved share in family inheriting at that grandfather's death years ago.  If you refuse to acknowledge that grandfather's own signature is the lawful presentation of his own will, how dare you claim that is a grandfather to you?

3: From some same high school graduated, the Viagra reward should not be mine because it must be some underwear routing.
My answer: No wonder you did not logic well in your college entry test over 30 years ago. It is so miraculously amazing that you can still prove it was never because of the education you received from the high school you graduated from, after all these years. The correct logic should be, it doesn't matter if it is some underwear routing or it is an academic reward, it should never be your saying. Is this logic tip help you to improve your future logic capability a little?

Further explanation: 1) My Viagra reward has been under law investigation already because I have not received it since almost 10 years ago, 2) and the evaluating pharmaceutical company already explained on a public media as well to answer the public curiosity why it was rewarded to me. So, why it is you deservedness to have an otherwise saying from your own ridiculous confusion if that is some money from an underwear routing, just because you are also graduated from the same high school but never in the pharmaceutical-related major? Is this explanation can help you to understand some common logic?

听说在美国,智慧产权收入的发放渠道是,(I heard the distribution channel in the U.S. are:)

(该药业)公司在职员工从公司领取,由(该药业)公司开具支票给付;(Employees receive paying checks signed by the rewarding company)

(该药业公司)已离退休辞职人员,以及像我这种有贡献但非(该药业)公司人员,都是从与(该药业)公司有协作关系的律师公司或者会计师公司领取,由该协作关系律师公司或者会计师公司开具支票。(Those retired or left, or associated person like me, should receive paying checks signed by the rewarding company's associated attorney firm or accounting firm.)

听说我收不到是因为该协作关系律师公司的一名工作人员(曾经在南师大或者南师大附中附小附幼就读过的或者毕业生)将药业公司所提供的奖金名单里我的名字给换成了他们自己朋友的名字开具支票。(I heard I haven't received Viagra reward is because somebody works in that rewarding company's associated attorney firm, who was also graduated from the same* high school I graduated from, has replaced my name from the reward list provided by the pharmaceutical rewarding company to sign the paying check to that person's own friend.)

*Either graduated from or had attended,
*The same High school, or its affiliated Junior high school,or affiliated kinder garden, or affiliated from: the Nanjing teacher's college.

----Nov. 24th, 2018

What the same high school means to me, at least currently? 

It means if I ever dare to have a high school reunion in some property that rumored may be related to my wealth, the situation would be such that everything inside that property would start to go disappeared once guests are arriving till it only house empty walls, it property registry would have a name changed unnoticed, and its originally lawfully registered property's owner(s) associated bank accounts being deleted already before the scheduled party ending time.

This is not an exaggerating description of my anxiety, and if you ever fancy this is only a nightmare in the United States, I have to say that is only because you haven't heard those shared outcries in some other English speaking as well as some none English speaking countries: Who are these people?

You can totally hear all these from their confidence and proud about "we are from the same high school". Not a bit exaggerating.





----Nov. 24th, 2018