
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

11-28-2018 About my web-gifting idea

11-28-2018 About my web-gifting idea

Heard this morning's broadcasting about an angry husband's blame on me.
I heard I was blamed for ridiculously announced a child for him. Well, my famous "It must be the deservedness" comment was echoing the episode that, rumored, his wife proudly produced, which featured how the husband, together with his cousins, all sharing a child each from the same woman. I was just echoing the story I heard that was broadcasted, never the authentic source for its accuracy. The husband's anger targeting me is ridiculous and absurd enough.

Gosh, the wife is talented. I heard she mimicked every single person's voice that was featured for the first almost 2/3 of this morning's episode, including my current "got a flu voice".

So, I won't be the person to worry about my web blog's public access, as announced without a "note", by the Chinese team.

----Nov. 28th, 2018

About my web-gifting idea, if it is intrusive to every warm-heart or hot-heart people's privacy if I asking too much information to gift?
I have no such intention to be intrusive. As I said, I only intend to personally gift to my friends or relatives that I do mind if gifting to someone who is negative enough or even harmful to me, and I do appreciate every warm-heart, hot-heart persons kindness to me. Everything else I don't need to know as long as it is lawful for me to gift, such as a checkbox to acknowledge "not to use for unlawful activities", or a note to myself how much is the max appropriateness for this friend for per tax year or per event, or a combined max if appropriate only for both per year and per event, etc.. I am thinking how not to be intrusive. I reject the idea to out-source the evaluation of my own appreciation or the gifting to my friends or relatives.

----Nov. 28th, 2018

Also, some said if this would encourage somebody to "violate laws on my behave" to demand gift from me? 
I say this somebody would need to check if I have money for this person to demand first, and if I have money which certainly means I am protected by laws effectively to have my lawful money, well, it means I am the person will put a note on that web-gifting website to remind everyone that Laws forbid financial rewarding efforts to encourage anyone to violate laws.

Currently, the money "still in concern" if can be my money are those paid out providing that I have not received yet (such as $400Million per year), and some intellectual incomes I earned. I am obviously safe and well protected by laws. I will reject any demand for me to reward any violating laws efforts.

----published on Nov. 29th, 2018

If I would ever accept the recommendation of "friends list" from somebody who publicly denounced my eligibility to be an associated to that somebody self?
I say why would this can be anybody's expectation for me? Especially those who are so denounced me because of my so not so rich childhood.

My answer for this type of curiosity is: I will do my own decision based on the list itself, my personal gifting is to my personal own friends, not whoever's personal own friend(s).

----Nov. 28th, 2018



