
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

05-15-2018 If I owe money? should be a case of a lawfully valid Judicial Court, instead of being the reason to build public hate and hostility through public channel broadcasting

05-15-2018 If I owe money? should be a case of a lawfully valid Judicial Court, instead of being the reason to build public hate and hostility through public channel broadcasting

Regarding today's title (中文附后)
My response: My understanding, there are tons of confusion if I earned my intellectual incomes or if I indeed have inherited some money or why I am the only one in the family who got the money that may have caused a lot of public confusion, but the public confusion should be broadcasted by the guidance of laws to report and to clarify the confusion instead of mounting these "why not give out money"complaints & frustrations only, and via a public channel's broadcasting, in order to demand money without any legal grounds and to arouse public anger and hostility against my refusal of all these ridiculous and illegal demands of financial arrangement that I call Extortion efforts.

----May 15th, 2018

Heard of this morning's broadcasting about another orphan.
My response: What I heard earlier was that Chinese producing team has prepared 6 female orphans to demand the acknowledgment of birth daughter relationship and to demand financial arrangement as a birth daughter acknowledged. I heard radio program has already broadcasted 2-3 orphans' such demands. I am not certain if this morning's broadcasting is the fourth orphan or one of the already broadcasted. All my life till today, I have not yet been pregnant yet.

The orphan who I have mentioned in my web blog that may be a birth daughter to He, Guoqiang ( from the Shanghai Communism Youth Party), I heard she is a Chinese Communist party member, born in the year of 1989-1990. Her mother was a resident of Chongmin before her mother entered college, I heard her mother had been a resident of Shanghai city after college graduation and came to the United States and had well-known worked in restaurants since mid of the 1990s. All above is what I have heard of and have mentioned on my web blog. To sue my web blog conducted name-harm to He, Guoqiang's name, etc. using this morning's broadcasting materials will be understood as bilking.

----May 15th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "No Money & No Property is painful, how dare Min Fang refused to give out Min Fang's own money?"
My response: What I inherited according to my several generations grandfathers' wills are Trusts that my grandfathers specially set up for me, which are the gifts to me from these grandfathers before their deaths. What I have inherited are never family wealth that left behind by my grandfathers at their death. My closest grandfather who fathered my father died in 1965 which was 2 years before I was born. Ever since I was born till I was college graduated, I was raised and had been provided by my own parents' on their own salaries.

According to Laws, the United States' Laws as well as the People's Republic of China's Laws, to those who I have no obligation nor responsibility to raise, nor to take care of education & medical expenses, nor to shelter with housing & senior care, I have no obligation nor responsibility to provide financial arrangement to pay for housing, nor living, nor education, nor medical, nor senior-care expenses. I have no obligation nor responsibility to provide financial arrangement means I refuse to give out my money.

If anyone deserves to have my money, I expect that person to provide lawful pieces of evidence of why I owe & how much I owe to the lawfully valid judicial Courts.

----May 15th, 2018








