
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, May 25, 2018

05-25-2018 The impacts on me from the Family Story and the Produced Stories

05-25-2018 The impacts on me from the Family Story and the Produced Stories

Heard this morning's mention of the impact of the O'Connors' Confusion.
My response: Ya, I felt it too because I haven't received my rumored $400Million providing for the year 2016 yet.

I heard O'Connors are so confused because they have the family story that there had been over 30 years hard saving in order to invest in this American Fund Company

What I heard was there were two Mr. O'Connors (father &son) decided not to pick-up their attorney-fees no matter how they had been persuaded to, and Accounting Department of this company needed their signatures to complete the accounting procedure were the reasons that O'Connors has this family story.

So, I heard this O'Connors' family saying is true but this American Fund company has been 100% privately owned by its British investor in this entire time since it has been established 400 years ago. All of O'Connors saving plus the interest-incurred, together with the first year's agreed-upon providing, were given to the first Senator O'Connor. I heard this are all in records.

This Ameican Fund Company has been 100% privately owned by its British Investor Fund Company. The Trust I inherited in 2004 has been its investor through its upstream investing chain.

I am the sole beneficiary of the Trusts I inherited that any of my relatives don't have any share in any of my Trusts.

I have to clarify that any of my relatives don't have any investment in this American Fund Company's investments in China.

To this American Fund company and its British Investor Fund company, I am investor owner similar to a stockholder of a public listed company who receives yearly dividends but not part of its business operation nor its management. This is the same to all of its investments.

----May 25th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about $400Million of the Pejoves name.
My response: I heard this $400 Million is my year 2017's living providing that paid out by the American "Pejoves" Fund company to the Treasure Department as decided on July 1st of 2004.

I used "Pejoves" name to identify this American Fund company but what I referred is actually a British family's name that associates with this American Fund company and its British Investor Fund company. This American Fund company is a great-grandchild investment of a Spanish Fund company through its British Investor.

I heard the Miss Pejoves featured in this morning's broadcasting is a Spanish lady, not a Hispanic, who works for the Treasury Department. Her name has the spelling and her family is from Spain are the reasons for this morning's featured joke.

Rumored this has been a produced story intended to take away the $400 Million paid-out providing.

----May 25th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about my cohort study.
My response: I am an east coast online student registered at a west coast college who obviously has very limited social with local online students.

My current financial thrift situation is not a secret in Boston, Massachusetts where I am a resident of, and I am comfortable with this in the cohort class. Those "romance shits" on the radio have made me the well-known target of all kinds of gossips as well as severe sexual harassments, and I am not comfortable to be part of any gossip of any confused romances that I have nothing to do, are the reasons I will stay aloof in this cohort class at least for this semester.

I heard this morning's $60,000 was announced by a Miss Jessica "Pejoves". Well, I heard this announcer is a British-American female who adopted her last name from her birth mother. I heard she is the same Jessica "Pejoves" who is the announced mother of David Petraeus' child or children.

Both David Petraeus and Jessica "Pejoves" are none of my business people. As long as this announced $60,000 is not paid by my money, it is none of my business whatever this Miss Jessica "Pejoves" wishes to announce to pay. I heard this Jessica "Pejoves" was the female sitting at the table in college cafeteria rumors in Boston.

It is rumored this Miss Jessica "Pejoves" has deposited some of my major-featured-person fee-income from the radio company into her own bank account and paid tax in her name as well in 2016. I did call law enforcement's help on this rumor. I refuse to pay anything that David Petraeus or this Jessica "Pejoves" has announced.

----May 25th, 2018