
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

05-17-2018 I have been provided for $10,000 per month since I was born (从我出生开始就有每月一万美金的生活费用给付)

05-17-2018 I have been provided for $10,000 per month since I was born (从我出生开始就有每月一万美金的生活费用给付)

Heard about this morning's mention of I have been provided for since I was born.
My response: I heard this morning's talk of $10,000 monthly providing since I was born in July of 1967 that paid by the American "Pejoves" Fund Company upon its investor British Fund Company's instruction.

It is true my parents and I only heard of this today. I know it is very handsome size even in the United States, not to mention how handsome it was at the time when my parents only got the joint income of ¥45/month in China in 1967. The exchange rate was one to one till 1980 or so.

Looking back, I don't know a lot why I had not received a penny but I knew I grew up with affluent food (may have received some subsidy on food 😋), good shooling, best college and education I wanted, and easy childhood growing up. My parents and my younger brother had not got affluent food as much as I got and my parents had to worry about how to make the ends meet each month may be the impacts I can think of regarding I hadn't received a penny of this handsome monthly providing.

Compare to the handsome blessing I inherited, the American Fund Company itself is about $400 Billion and the British Fund Company is even bigger, this $10,000 per month is not the size would make me itching even I fully aware what this $10,000 per month means in my childhood time in China. Plus, after I heard some historic stories that already called "tradition" in Britain, I really have no reason to complain at all why this $10,000 dollar had been spent all these years knowing I hadn't received any. I heard the paying to China had stopped soon after I left China in 1996.

Regarding what happened to this $10,000 per month providing, I don't know anything beyond my mother hadn't received her wedding gift yet which was given before I was even conceived. If I received this $10,000 dollar monthly providing, I would be raised by my birth parents but provided by my ancient birth grandfather instead of raised by my birth parents' own hard-earned salaries.

By the way, the Trust invested in this American "Pejoves" Fund company was set up for me by my ancient grandfather who was already in hometown Nanjing city a thousand years ago, the second Emperor of Southern Tang Li, Jing (南唐中主李璟 即 南唐元宗 916-961年8月12日, https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9D%8E%E7%92%9F/29096 ). My mother had been telling me ever since I was little that I am a premature-born, my due-birthday was August 4th of 1967 or so.

----May 17th, 2018




我所继承的信托所投资的这个美国基金公司就有大概$400Billion 的规模,其上级英国基金公司规模还要大。和我所继承的信托规模相比,就算我很清楚这没有收到的每月一万美金会让我在当年贫瘠中国的童年富足很多到什么样的幸福程度,这金额都不是会让我心疼肝疼肺都疼的一笔支出。再说了,在我听说了一些历史真实都已经在英国被称为“传统”了,我更是没有任何理由抱怨为什么明知我一分钱都没收到还继续支付这每月的一万美金。我听说在我1996年离开中国后不久就已经停止了这每月的一万美金对中国方面的支付。


顺便提一句,那个投资于美国“Pejoves”基金公司的信托是由我那个1000年前就已经在江苏南京(金陵)的祖爷爷南唐中主李璟为我设立的(南唐中主李璟 即 南唐元宗 916-961年8月12日, https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9D%8E%E7%92%9F/29096 )。从小我妈就告诉我,我是个早产儿,预产期应该是1967年的8月4日左右。
