
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, May 20, 2018

05-20-2018 Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money" ?

05-20-2018 Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money"?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "Rockefeller Investor Group"
My response: Why I say "I refuse you abuse my money, I refuse you steal my money, and I refuse you publicly rob my money" this morning?

First of all, this morning's is the newly formed, as you heard on the radio a couple of months ago, "the Rockefeller 100% Chinese Only Investor Group".

Second of all, that $400 Million is my income from my Trust (investment income or dividend income ) that I withdraw to cover my living expenses. No reason for me to live on a welfare standard (housing project, food stamp, no cash assistance) in order to invest this money.

Third of all, this $400Million had paid $400,000 per month service charge for consecutive 12 months to the same place but the different office and paid investor tax for the same paying year.

Fourth of all, I had bad experience since 2015 that there were so many males I never even heard of had shouted on the radio program that he never wanted me, followed by a female' announcing herself a true love to that him, and rumored, followed by Albert Gore's arranged announcements to have some of my intellectual incomes which actually transacted on the same day after each broadcasting without me even need to hear about it. This was when I was frantically searching where is my money because I was living on Massachusetts' welfare. I have been constantly calling laws help since.

Fifth of all, I am allergic to R's name associated romances is because with the full house shitting me on the radio, my $3Billion income of being the major featured person from radio program (2005-2012) was taken by announced R's romances in the mid of 2016 and rumored, another $1.5 Billion in 2017. With each full-housed shit spelled at me that followed by who might be the real deal romance announced, I have built up the anxiety to call law's help to find out whose money would cover this or that romance's really wanted "own financial security" while I am living on Massachusetts' welfare.

I know the Rockefellers' names, at least some, are decent names from this experience, and I really don't know anything at all, but I did develop some allergy about "handling my affair" from the Rockefellers' names associated. I did refuse to let the Rockefeller Investor Group handle my money.

I do have my own inherited wealth that I have my own independent attorneys and accountants groups who have been handling my investments all these time, before and after my inheriting in 2004, is the reason I really do not need any of Rockefellers' romances to handle any of my own financial matters.

I am not responsible nor obligated to provide the financial security feeling for anyone of Rockefellers' romances. I am not willing nor privileged to spoil anyone of Rockefellers' romances.

I am upset, not because I don't take Rockefeller a decent name, but the reality I can't have access to my own providing because all my cash providing and all my intellectual incomes have been in this similar situation no matter how many situations have been taken care of by the decent ones.

----May 20th, 2018