
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

05-06-2018 What is the need to announce "No Such Children" on this Mother's Day?

05-06-2018 What is the need to announce "No Such Children" on this Mother's day?

Heard about this morning's talk of "No such children".
My response: I heard the Ford house featured in this morning is the 5th or 6th generation offsprings of a Miss O'Connor, and this grandmother Miss O'Connor was a Senator's daughter.

No wonder these Fords' mating is O'Connors' to authenticate.

My anger has been why O'Connors so impressively do not allow me to have a child or children? No one ever has expected any O'Connor to concern or to raise my children, why my mother-hood is O'Connors to deny?

So, what is the need to announce "No Such Children" on this Mother's Day?

My anger towards the name Rockefellers is that why this name supports the efforts to belittle a female's value to the degree that completely deny a female's value can be beyond attraction to the biological mating desire from a male? Especially when I am being the female who never attempted to contact anyone from this name in the past to demand anything, how this name needs to have this enormous agitation so impressively in broadcasting as if I have demanded a lot?

But Rockefellers' name is the name insist on to clear out the PPC curve* of my Trusts' investments in their family business as "no association announced". So, I do not know what Rockefeller name means in the matter.

----May 6th, 2018

Heard about this morning's broadcasting about "Judge's Ruling".
My response: My complaint about this radio program has been how it has organized these unrelated & unprofessional to debate these none-of-their-business matters on a public broadcasting channel in the authoritative tone as if announcing the "final ruling", the same as the debate in Chinese you heard from this morning's broadcasting.

I am angry at the fact that all these "performing debates" to devoid me or my wealth are still going on, not for the entertaining purpose but for announcing unauthorized financial transactions purpose.

All my intellectual incomes have been debated by unrelated people through this kind of performing arts, and "ruled" by these Chinese who own Judge licenses as you heard from this morning's broadcasting, and factually transacted in reality since 2007 by rumor.

There never have been cases filed by me or the companies who granted these intellectual incomes in any judicial court for anyone who has a Judge license to rule. And all these transacted money never went to anyone who has intellectually contributed to the companies to deserve a reward that has been in any disputes with the companies who granted these financial rewards of received intellectual contributions that I contributed. These are the rumors I heard and I did call laws help on why my intellectual incomes have been deposited into whoever's bank account and paid taxes in whoever's name?

These efforts are organized by Albert Gore to take over my intellectual making and giving out against my wish is the reason I have to declare Albert Gore's manhood is not privileged to change what I have declared as what I want or what I refuse.

I do not have any association with this Albert Gore is a common knowledge. So, why this Albert Gore's manhood activity is my money to pay or to compensate? Why my wish of how to spend my own money is this Albert Gore's privilege to deny or to challenge? Who the Fxxx this Albert Gore is?

----May 6th, 2018

05-01-2018 My anger is why my name is O'Connors to shit all over on the radio?

*PPC (Production possibility Curve), is commonly understood as the scope of the wealth.