
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

05-16-2018 Investor Ownership can only be by LAWs, never by some published arguments

05-16-2018 Investor Ownership can only be by LAWs, never by some published arguments

Heard this morning's "the husband shares the wife's children with his mother-side cousin biologically".
My response: I heard this conclusion is drawn from the arguments, confrontation and frustrated verbal fights among the Chinese producers and their invited guests.

I just can't stop laughing because I also heard over a year ago that this same wife mother all her husband's children are the facts that factually supported by physical DNA test results conducted by the trustworthy groups and tons of curious groups.

----May 16th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk of the O'Connors confusion.
My response: I heard the real reason to produce the two pieces of the O'Connor confusion and above "clarification through arguments" together to broadcast is to "turn over the case" of who owns that American Fund that I call "O'Connors' confusion." I heard the efforts are from the Chinese producing team. "The CEO since 2011" is a Chinese as you heard from broadcasted clarification later in this morning's same episode.

Somehow, it was understood in China and Chinese Communities abroad that I have some investment in that American Fund via its investing chain is only a "truth of the arguments" through an episode broadcasted several months ago.

By factual & physical company legal registration, by its factual & physical tax-paying history, and by the company's factual & physical internal records, this American Fund company (I call O'Connors Confusion) is lawfully owned 100% by its British Investor Company since it was founded around the year of 1600AD. A Trust I inherited lawfully has some investment in the American Fund company via its investing chain. Investor Ownership can only be by LAWs, never by some published arguments.

I share the same frustration of this "announce to own" misunderstanding regarding the anger expressed by the government of the People's Republic of China and Chinese communities abroad towards confusion how I can have wealth really owned by me as inherited, in reality, only by me declared I am the heir of an ancient Chinese Emperor without any credible physical evidence.

Well, I have explained a lot about this already. I am the heir of an ancient Chinese Emperor is by the fact I have this Emperor's famous inheriting birthmarks physically and biologically on both of my father's hands and both of my own hands, and by the fact I inherited the Trust set up for me by the known Emperor heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor on June 30th of 2004.

I inherited this Trust because I am my father's daughter who has this family birthmark and my father's name is listed as the beneficiary person's father-by in the entrusting legal documents together with all my ancestor grandfathers from this known Emperor heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor.

That American Fund's ownership is not decided by any arguments, broadcasted or not broadcasted, but by LAWs. That broadcasted piece is announced by the O'Connors family as the guided exposures of the true O'Connors' confusion. The confusion of O'Connors family and my anxiety over this O'Connors' confusion have impacted the American Fund company in a lot of ways which includes the rumors of over 400 employees (40% of all its staff) have been laid off from that company since 2013.

By factual & physical company legal registration, by its factual & physical tax-paying history, and by the company's factual & physical internal records, this American Fund company (I call O'Connors Confusion) is lawfully owned 100% by its British Investor Company since it was founded around the year of 1600AD.

A Trust I inherited lawfully has some investment in the American company via its investing chain.

----May 16th, 2018