
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

05-29-2018 My apartment from Boston Housing Authority

05-29-2018 My apartment from Boston Housing Authority

Heard about this morning's talk of how I moved into this Housing Project Apartment.
My response: I heard the enrollment specialist Veronica who enrolled me into my current MBA education of a west coast college in 2017is the same social worker Veronica from Boston Hope Found who had signed me this apartment I currently living in Boston, MA in 2010.

She is the same caring helpful on my MBA education. I heard she enrolled me through random enrollment campaign call, and I assume it must be really surprising to her that the person who picked up the phone was the Boston Min Fang she knew as a homeless.

She was the person tried to ask me some questions when I was homeless she helped as a social worker. I regret my rejection, I should let her probe a little because let me be a homeless was advised by a person who might have been provided for by that $10,000 monthly living expenses providing from the American "Pejoves" Fund since I was born in July of 1967 till I left China in October of 1996. I heard the adviser was mothered by a sister of the person who had received this monthly providing in Shanghai to sent it to Nanjing to my parents but my parents never received a penny.

I heard this receipt person was a private assistant (于)to my grandfather after my father joined the Military in 1949 till my grandfather passed away in 1965, I heard all his own offsprings and his siblings' offspring and some of their marriage families associated have been in the Chinese producing team of this radio program.

I heard this private assistant's wife was not fathered by my grandfather and his mother-in-law was never involved with my grandfather romantically. At least, this "not fathered by" certainly can be verified by a DNA test.

This morning's story about how my grandfather willing to financially support dating activity instead of academic advances. This story was this Mr. Private Assistant's family saying about my father's relationship with my grandparents whenever my father demanding something he really wanted. Well, if you read this blog, you already knew with me this was because my grandfather was so eagerly waiting for me to be born to ease his financial strains. He entrusted 5 Million silver dollar to the birthmark girl who should be born from my father's line, the Hong Kong Trust I inherited, and all he had was only ¥70,000- ¥80,000 at the time to support his entire family which included his 4 adult children and my grandmother for the rest of his & my grandmother's years.

This Boston housing apartment from Boston Housing Authority was booked on July 1st of 2004, together booked some food stamps with cash assistance for my homeless adventure. I moved in since 2013 and got my food stamps at the same time. But it was only supposed to be one year in this apartment and I only on-and-off got $300 cash assistance for Massachusetts' disabled since January of 2015.

I wish I could tell this angel Veronica that Boston refuse to listen to my story that I inherited money is the reason I got stuck in my current housing. I kept screaming I said I inherited something to a lot of people from Boston on July 1st of 2004 which means I got money from someone who died already on or before July 1st of 2004, my inherited money should not be from any living one. 

Trusts I inherited have been paying everything on time as decided on July 1st of 2004. I suppose to have food and cash from Boston or Massachusetts Food Stamp card but amounted as a computer programmer's salary income since 2014 or 2015, I should have moved into apartments with paid maid-service since 2015, etc. All these should have been paid on time already. Rumored $400 Millions yearly providing is not paid to Boston or Massachusetts but these should be paid to Boston or Massachusetts. Since 2015, everywhere I asked has kept quiet to my inquiries which seems to imply no such money should have been allocated, now I know it was not a secret that all these prominent males had announced nothing to do with me at all or moved on already through some channels. But all these should have been paid by my own money that I inherited from my own deceased birth grandfathers, not some living prominent males.

It is already 2018 and I heard this morning's announcing efforts from the radio program to evict me from this apartment because it is so confusing to some females how I could have money without a sex partner. Well, my money is either inherited from a deceased birth grandfather or my own making. I am currently waiting to be "rescued".

----May 29th, 2018