
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, May 28, 2018

05-28-2018 My "rebut" on this morning's Judge's Rulings

05-28-2018 My "rebut" on this morning's Judges' Rulings

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the Chinese American Judge's and the People's Republic of China's Judge's ruling.
My response:
I never contacted such 6 patrons nor anyone for any financial providing to me nor the children who I have claimed my biologic children.

I have already asked U.S. law enforcement's help on the possible child-abuse efforts from the radio program producing & its related promotion to target the 2012-published girl.

I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding radio program's intentional blackmail against my public image.

I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding the efforts of the radio program producing to intentionally culture hate against me being the financially independent female.

The efforts of my biological & same parents' younger brother and his marriage family to take-over my father's own apartment had caused my biological lawful father currently being missing and being legally announced the death.

The efforts of my biological & same parents' younger brother and his marriage family to take over what I lawfully own have caused my financial well-being together with my personal safety in jeopardy.

I have informed the U.S. government's official and the People's Republic of China's government officials that I refuse to be provided by my biological & same parents' younger brother nor his marriage family for any reason, and I refuse to provide for my biological same & parents' younger brother nor his marriage family for any reason.

My life has been threatened by Albert Gore's murder-intended-for-money publicly announced
multiple times on the radio that produced to call for actual murder action in reality on the soil of the United States, and today also in the name of protecting this marriage family on the soil of the People's Republic of China.

I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding my accusation against Albert Gore's public robbery and public murder-attempted-for-money through the radio program producing since 2007.

I have contacted the U.S law enforcement regarding my income from this radio program has been, rumored, illegally taken with the help from the American rich Rockefellers' family.

I have already contacted the U.S. law enforcement regarding severe sexual harassment and hate culturing efforts that targeted me in the producing & promoting of this radio program.

----May 28th, 2018