
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

05-08-2018 MBA Education and Economic Theories

05-08-2018 MBA Education and Economic Theories

Heard this morning's talk about what is the general administration in MBA.
My response: I decided to go for MBA education is because of my ambition to be a business person that inspired by the book of <Macroeconomy>.

An Economy is a financial entity and careful managing of it. The Macroeconomy is about the financial entity that has the size of a country or of a region while the microeconomy is about the financial entity that has the size can be small as a coffee shop or big as a multination corporation.

I entered the world of economics from the Macro side which is about the infrastructure of producing, trading and financing the microeconomy in a region or a country that opened my view that is above the size of a multination corporation, but I lack the understanding of how to carefully manage a multination corporation or a coffee shop in its daily operation and in its detailed business transactions. The is the answer I gave when I am asked what I want to learn from an MBA education: When I step into an empty room that I rent to open my first coffee shop, where should I start? Other than the knowledge about how to arrange counters and brew coffees, what else I need to know to run this coffee shop business to make profits?

I read that Macroeconomy when I was a college student and I had worked in a one staff company to take care of all non-managerial matters after college graduation. General Administration of the MBA is the education that I lack in between is what I am studying now: General Administration of the MBA.

My work experience as an independent computer programmer has helped me to bridge the gap between the Macro and Micro of the economy. I had worked in a team that had only 3 full-time and 2 helping hands staff on  a window's security software project under the guidance of a former IBM R&D director, the fact that I had to work independently in each assigned module has helped me to learn to work from the infrastructure conceptual to detail out any software's coding issues systematically.

Under the guidance of the former IBM R&D director, I learned to approach each assignment from the effort of understanding the theoretical concepts of the assignment, then to break down the assignment to the theoretical research of each concept in order to create my own module based on the theories of the concepts.

With this independent research experience, I have been confident that I can correctly assess a technology project's progress in just several brief exchanges with the project team. Ironically, this quick assessing ability that impressed a lot of technology people on June 30th and July 1st of 2004 that I have been so proud of myself was how I got the title of "a performing actress who kept on saying things that are universally correct and applicable".

Actually, all those things I said were all infrastructure-approaching of the project assessment that each brief question & answer exchange had ceased only when the frustrations and issues had been discussed effectively.  I am working on to build this confidence and ability in managerial related progress assessment.

.----May 8th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about how I could possibly learn without reading enough.
My response: This MBA is the first major I do my homework is a true statement, but I had been a very intense learning listener in most of the in-classroom sessions for the other two majors I graduated, which is a BS in Pharmacology major and an MS degree in Computer Science major.

I was known for doing nothing at all beyond classroom sessions attendance in my entire college years and in my entire graduate education in computer science, while a lot of my college mates needed to study till 1AM-3AM and got up at 5AM daily for some semesters that heavy loaded with Basic Medicine System plus Pharmaceutical courses in pharmacology major. I heard the broadcasting of my saying that I did learn a lot from my college education has triggered a lot of anger from my college mates from both colleges. I only meant to express that I did learn instead of didn't from my college education, how much I actually had learned is surprising to myself as well. Most likely, the real anger is related to how I could earn intellectual incomes so hugely different with their salary incomes from this lousy learning experience.

I am currently a "cancer" patient under constant micro brain surgeries that certainly affected my reading ability. I am a full-time student who can only read for less than 15-20 hours a week. My treatment progresses well that I can now finish most of the required basic reading materials plus do my homework on time.

I may need to learn those what I haven't from some work experiences and I know I will be guided like I always have been.

.----May 8th, 2018